3- So Late?

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"You must be April Brooke," said Mrs. Lexi. "Welcome," I oohed and awed the house. "Ok, we will go to bed at 10:30 PM," said Maggie Lexi, I flunked. "So late?" I asked. Maggie's mom glared at me. "What time do YOU go to bed," she asked, I smiled a fake looking smile than said. "8:00. I consider letting your daughter go to bed at the same time," I than opened my phone and pressed google. Than I googed: best time for a 13-30 year old bed time. "See?" I smiled. "8:00,"

"I'm not listening to a webside that says god is real," said Maggie's Mom.

"Good point," I said, I decided to look at the room that I was going to sleep in tonight. I flunked again. It was...HUGE. The walls' were smooth, no cracks or ripping off paint. The bed wasn't a dumb bunk bed. It was a twin size with a cute panda blanket. I didn't know if Maggie's Mom thought I was a baby...but if she did that would be the best because the room I stayed in was so so so so BIG! I was just like. So nice. "Girls, dinners ready you should come down now and eat,"

April BrookeWhere stories live. Discover now