Chapter 1

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• • Its the life I chose, only God can judge me now • •

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Nagisa P.O.V

My arm flopped around on the nightstand, feeling for my phone that was ringing obnoxiously. I answered it and pressed it to my ear.

"Hello?" I croaked.

"Yo Nagisa, its Dray."

"Hey man." I said, sitting up and rubbing my face,"What up?"

"You down for a stick up?"

"Is the sky blue?" I smirked.

Dray laughed,"Yeh, meet up at the crib in 10, got it?"

He hung up. I slipped some jeans on and looked at the time, it was 5 in the morning. I could've been sleeping in by now. But these guys just gotta rob every block 24/7. But I can't complain, I chose this life. And its not like I can go back. There was nothing left for me back in Japan but trouble.

I picked up my gun and stuff it in my back pocket, preparing for a rough morning.

Time Skip To 8:30 PM, After The Stick Up •

Your P.O.V

"Ugh, those Water Dragons robbed the bank down in south town again." your dad groaned from the living room.

You sighed,"Well, there's no rest for the weary."

"True." he looked at his watch,"Ah, mom's coming home with dinner soon, wanna sneak out and grab a snack from the 711?"

You smiled,"I call shotgun!"

In The Car

"I'm in the mood for an orange soda, and some zebra cakes." you said.

"Sounds good. But not as good as a What-Cha-Mah-Call-It." dad smirked, stopping at a red light.

"Ah, ya got me there!" you chuckled, wrapping your tan yarn cardigan around your body.

"Remember when you used to make me go on random trips to Walmart for What-Cha-Mah-Call-It's and orange sodas?" he laughed.

"Yeah but that was when I was on my period!" you said as a matter of factly.

"Mhmm, suuure." he pulled into the 711 and looked at you with a goofy smile,"Let's do this thang!"

Nagisa P.O.V

I counted my dollars with a smug look on my face,"Damn, I'm gettin' so many smokes with this stuff."

"We good, nigga." Dray smirked.

"Yeah, we good alright." I laughed,"I want some smokes now...I'm goin' to the 711."

"Aight, be good boy." Dre said.

"You one to talk!" I smirked, walking out of his mom's house.

I jumped in my white Ferrari (that I stole) and drove off. I did the speed limit because I didn't feel like risking going back to prison. Besides, traffic is a bitch tonight. My phone beeped on the passenger seat. I picked it up to view the text, it was from Seth.

"u still got dat Ferrari?"

I texted back:


I Didn't Mean To Kidnap You! (Thugisa x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now