Chapter 2

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• • Its the life I chose, only God can judge me now • •

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Your P.O.V

Soft bumps in the road awakened you. You gently opened your eyes as to not cause burning, and saw that you were in an unfamiliar car, it was too nice and expensive looking to be your car. You tried to rub your eyes, but something was restraining your arms. You looked down. Duct tape? You were duct taped to the seat of a car...

You looked next to you and saw...


Nagisa P.O.V

In my panic, I had knocked out the girl and duct taped her to the passenger seat of the car. I would figure out what to do with her later. I was just making it out of New York City when I heard the girl struggling next to me. I had duct taped her mouth shut, so the only noises that came out of her were "mmf! "mmrrgh!!" and "mmmnfffmm!"

"Struggling ain't gonna help." I said, rubbing my temple with one hand, and driving with the other.

The girl kicked the dash in frustration and glared at me with the most drop dead gaze I have ever seen. If looks could kill, I would've crashed by then. I tried to ignore her and concentrated on driving, but that look was roasting me. I pulled over and looked at her with a serious face.

"Alright, look. I don't want you here either, but until I can trust you enough to let you go, you're under my witness protection plan."

The girl raised a brow briefly before going right back to the dirty glare.

"You're welcome..." I started the car and kept driving,"...Bitch."

The girl made an animal like growling noise and looked away from me angrily.

Your P.O.V

You looked out the window angrily. Witness protection plan?? Is that what he's calling it?? Boy, if you hadn't've had duct tape covering your mouth, you would've cussed him out. You noticed it was early in the morning, and you were driving over the Brooklyn Bridge. You looked back at the guy with a worried looked and tried to say "Where are we going?" but it came out as "Mwhww mm mwm mminm?"

The guy reached over and ripped the duct tape off your mouth.

"Ow! Careful, asshole!" you growled.

"Sorry, Jesus..." he rolled his eyes,"What'd you say?"

"I said where are we going?" you repeated.

"South Beach." he said simply, not taking his magenta eyes from the road.

"Florida?!" you gasped,"What the hell for?!"

"That information will kill you." he said bluntly.

You stared at him, eye brows furrowed. Then you slowly turned your head to the window and silently scoffed.

"...What's your name?" he asked.

"What's it to you?" you sneered.

"I can't call you Girl this entire time, can I?" he said.

You stayed silent for a while, but a small smirk tugged at the corner of your lips,"...(Name). You?"

"Hazuki, you can call me Nagisa though."

(Time Skip To 9:30)

You stayed silent for a few hours, when suddenly you felt something buzz in your back pocket, and Marty from Madagascar called out "da da da da da Afro Circus Afro Circus!". Nagisa looked at you with a "what the..?" look. Your eyes widened when you realized it was your phone.

"I-Its.." you tried to reach for it, but Nagisa and the duct tape stopped you.

He grabbed your wrist tightly, making you gasp,"Don't even think about it."

You gulped at the icy cold look he gave you. You nodded and retracted your hand. Nagisa reached under you and pulled the phone out of your back pocket, then rolled the window down and threw it into the street.

"H-Hey!" you watched helplessly in the rear view mirror as your phone was ran over by several cars, a sad whimper escaped your throat," was brand new!"

"You'll be fine." he said, rolling the window up.

"I hate you..." you growled, giving him a dirty glare.

"The feeling is mutual." he said, cringing a little.

(Time Skip To Lunchtime)

Nagisa P.O.V

We both sat in a steamy silence for a while, until I heard (Name)'s stomach growl. I looked over at her to see her briefly looking at her stomach before looking back to the window. Silence again.

"I'm hungry." (Name) stated.

"I noticed." I replied.

"...So..." she said.

"So what?"

"So, pull over!" she said, pointing to the clock with her free hand,"Its lunchtime!"

I sighed, I was hoping I wouldn't have to untie her...

"Fine. What do you want?" I asked.

"I don't care." she said.

I pulled up to a Taco Bell and ordered four mini tacos and two Cokes from the drive thru, then pulled into the parking lot. I kept the car on just in case, pulling out my knife.

"I have a gun in the back, if you run, I'll shoot your ass." I threatened, pointing the knife at her.

"Whatever." she rolled her eyes.

I cut her loose and right when I was putting my knife away, she was opening the door. My arm flew to the back and I jumped out, cocking the gun.

Your P.O.V

You pulled a fast one on Nagisa and tried to make a break for it, but you heard a click and instantly knew it was a gun. You stopped dead in your tracks.

"You weren't kidding..." you said loud enough for him to hear.

"You think I was kidding? An experienced thug?" you could hear his smirk,"Get back in the car, bitch."

You rolled your eyes and flopped into the car seat. You picked up a taco and munched on it while Nagisa drove on.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2014 ⏰

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