X : Pride

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Ailyn Lacald's room was coated in sparkling speckles of dust. It had reached everywhere, like a disease; the narrow bookcase, the neatly made bed. Even the open book laid flat on the desk was occupied by that virus - the virus of solitude.

It had been merely three dull days that Ailyn was missing, yet her bedroom managed to appear as bare as it had ever been. The halls somehow seemed hollower, and the atmosphere declared something was missing, something vital. Kage Sillich had never thought someone as redundant as the Princess of Light would change anything by simply not being there. Somehow, his views had all managed to be contradicted in those past few days.

Kage had other places to be. He had conferences to attend, duties to tend to, people to reassure. Yet he found himself in Ailyn's room, rummaging through countless drawers and seeking an answer to the question that had been haunting his mind; Why?

She knew about his idea for quite some time. From the moment the Kingfisher was stolen she had joked numerous times about the theoretical project, seemingly unfazed by its very real impact. A chance to save the war, an opportunity to make Seyal more powerful than any of the other countries ruled by pitiful mortals. It wasn't a joke to him, but a yawning opening for them to take.

Kage stepped out of the room, the door closing with a soft click behind him. Just another tool who managed to slip away, he consoled himself, yet those words didn't ring true within him. The nation's morale had fallen dramatically, as everyone seemed distant or simply unmotivated. Flouorn was very likely planning an attack and all state funds seemed to be going to Ailyn's retrieval.

The princess had taken everyone's mind with her, and perhaps even a piece of Kage's pride. How can I be so certain of victory when even she has figured it out?

"Sir!" a sharp voice before him bellowed, making his head tilt up. A short man in a uniform stood a few feet ahead. Once Kage focused his attention on him, the man averted his gaze. A military official, probably. "We are expecting you for the meeting," he resumed, nodding his head grimly. "A report is ready."

The boardroom was dimly lit, the faint afternoon sunlight casting its weak rays upon the large pine table placed in the middle of the round chamber. Blue and black velvet cloaked the chairs, the walls, and even the multiple officials resting around the desk were polished lavishly with the two signature colors. The entirety of the palace was distinctively void of any red or gold, the colors defining Flouorn. Grand and intimidating appearance, but on the inside, Kage observed solemnly, there is nothing.

The remaining Ascended Council was seated already; Edel and Kasmir had morose casts over their faces, dark rings underlining their usually fresh eyes. Kage nimbly chose a chair next to them, eyeing every soul in the room thoroughly. "Well," he sighed. "Fill me in on what is happening."

A corporal cleared her throat, leaning nervously towards the table. "The girl that escaped the police headquarters some days ago -- we found a radio under one of the beds in the militia barracks and we believe it belongs to her." She glanced around wearily as if searching for the correct words. "The default frequency was traced somewhere in Flouorn."

Kage simply nodded. It had crossed his mind multiple times that the girl might have been a spy rather than a curious soldier, but hearing it confirmed touched a raw nerve in his mind. Shaking his head, he waved his hand. "Add her to the most wanted of Seyal."

"Kage," Edel chimed in, puckering his lips. "There is something you need to know."

The man groaned, nodding. "More good news, I suppose."

"Well... How do I put this?"

"However you'd like. Sideways, for all I care."

"I reckon you heard about the minor explosion in the Academy last night." The hesitation was clear in his voice as he paused, examining Kage's features. "The headcount revealed an absence."

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