The story I guess

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"Oiii Newbie!! It's time for your shift!" I nodded at my co-worker wearing the PomPomPurin costume, sighing in regret. I will have to walk around in the unforgiving heat of summer in a costume?? And to top it off, I have to face people. Why God was this the only job that accepted me...
I walked around in a cute bouncy manner like how my job required me to, literally melting inside the costume trying to get people to go into the cafe, and for ¥800 per hour. Yes I know I sound spoilt but the heat is excruciating . The only good point about this job is that I am not required to talk to people. If I had to I would have made a bigger embarrassment of myself then what I doing at the moment.
So as I was trying to get people to come inside the cafe, I saw a girl with white hair watching me. I approached her thinking she was interested in the cafe. She broke into a grin that seemed to get wider. It was then I realised in what a ridiculous get up she was in. she seemed to be wearing a clown costume and had... Red stitches? Red stitches all over her skin.
Welp whatever boats your float my dude, but a quirky person still is a potential customer. I held out my hand and she took it (thank God I have gloves, or else I would have had to touch human beings) I led her to the cafe and motioned at her to give it a try. Her smile grew wider.
"Thank you Miss PomPomPurin! I'll make sure to enjoy my time here!" I kinda flinched within the suit at her eerily sweet voice. I nodded before going to continue my job.


That white haired boy (I felt so embarrassed afterwards for not realising) has been coming by more and more often. He literally has been coming every evening  and not only during my shifts. Whenever I just happened to walk by, he was there!  I sometimes saw him come with a middle aged man with a beard. By now, he was an important customer to the cafe. Even though he sometimes acted strange, I am getting curious about him.
Today he came looking upset. I patted his head feeling a bit shy as I never really associated myself with people. I then had an idea and held up my forefinger asking him to wait a minute then ran in and came out with a notebook and pen.
"What's wrong?" I wrote. He looking at me a bit cautiously. I bent my head downwards and wrote more.
"It's okay, you can tell me. It's not like we know each other to infiltrate in each other's lives." He seemed to calm down a bit. He sighed.
"Shinohara got very mad at me today..." He replied orally.
"Is Shinohara the man who came with you last time?" I scribbled loudly
"Yeah he is. He is mad cause I destroyed a motorcycle." I dead panned. This dude destroyed a freaking motorcycle??!! To buy a motorcycle would take around three years of working at this shitty part time job! I tried to keep my hand still.
"Why did you do that?"
"Because I needed to-" He hesitated. I waited for him to complete his sentence.
"Because I needed to kill some ghouls " he said laughing in the end. I tilted my head.
"You work in the CCG? You seem a bit young..."
"But that just means I am better than others right?" He tilted his head exaggeratedly.
"Juuzou!" I heard a low voice. The boy, (apparently named juuzou) hid behind me as Shinohara came up to us.
" Juuzou, you shouldn't bother someone who is working like this!" He turned to me and bowed slightly.
"No I'm not going!!" He wailed out obviously being ignored.
"I am sorry that if caused you any inconvenience." I waved my arms as if telling him not to worry about it. He held Juuzou's arm and they started to walk away. Juuzou sighed in annoyance but glanced at me, waving at me a slightly. I waved back before his white hair disappeared into the crowd


For the past few weeks he hasn't been coming, in fact, today should mark a month. I wonder if there is something wrong. I suddenly saw a glimpse of white hair. I approached that person and tapped his back. He turned around. It wasn't him. The man before me had grey eyes and seemed to be more taller than the guy I knew. He muttered a soft apology saying he wasn't interested and staggered slightly while walked away.
Suddenly I heard someone speaking.
"So then Investigator Juuzou Suzuya also got hurt..." My eyes widened. Was he talking about the Juuzou I know? I reached out to the male and gripped his sleeve. I pulled out the notebook I kept with me and wrote
"Juuzou is injured?!"


I stood in front of a door. On it was a name plate. I suddenly realised, till today, I hadn't known his full name. I looked down. I was wearing an oversized  yellow hoodie sweater and baggy pants. I reached into my bag and took out a cheap  Pom Pom Purin mask that was given out by the restaurant. I wore it. Hopefully he wouldn't feel so awkward, after all, like I said in our first meeting, I just am a stranger. A bystander. I told myself this but in the back of my mind, I knew a bystander would never do something like this.
My hand went to the handle.
I opened the door, gently pushing it open.
... And then I saw him.
He was in bed, like his co-workers told me, there was a gap where one leg was supposed to be beneath the sheets and... he wasn't looking up. I walked to him and sat down on the chair next to his bed. He still hadn't looked at me. I was the first to look at him directly. His eyes at first glance looked empty but... The more I looked at them, the more aware I became of the swirling abyss that was eating away at whatever happiness was left, like fate had been bludgeoning him mercilessly till he shattered like glass.
How could I know all this?
I been through this contamination of unhappiness.
My heart ached seeing him like this. I didn't even pull out my notebook. I just moved towards him and embraced him, and patted his hair. Something about the way I patted his hair must have made him realise who I was because he instantaneously wrapped his arms around me, burying his head into the crook of my neck. No sound came from him except for his unsteady breath. He wasn't crying and that worried me. I finally pulled out my notebook.
"Hey... What happened..?" He glanced at it before turning away. He placed his hand on his head and was quiet for a moment. I waited for his response patiently.
"Shinohara... He..."
"He is in a coma... They said it's very unlikely he will wake up." He couldn't see it, but on my face there was an array of emotions. From what I had seen of the two, they were like father and son. For him to lose his father like this is just...
He attempted to laugh.
"Well that means he was just unlucky... Yeah.."
The wind outside howled as if to show his unspoken unrest, and then, dripping water sounded. Juuzou's eyes widened. Beneath the mask, beads of tears were falling, gleaming like crystals through the evening sun, staining the previous words written on the notepad.
"Don't... Don't say that..!" A thin voice sounded. I hadn't spoken in a long time ,my voice had become high pitched and quiet. As the sun deepened into the land, my knot I had messily tied at the back came undone as the mask fell making a cracking sound against the tile. Juuzou gasped softly as he saw how tears threaded down my face. His eyes started watering, tears of his own fell. His small quick breaths escalating to crying and sobbing.
The despair which he had been bottling up inside for so long had it's lid loosened and allowed to flow. So easily it was done, and it was done by the hands of the girl before him who had now just met for the first time.
He hugged me desperately, his hands tangling into my hair. In mere seconds I felt his tears dampen my sweater. I rubbed his back, and comforted him.
The world outside had darkened completely before he was able to calm down. I wiped his face from the remaining tears. He smiled and the smile he showed... I was never really was one  who really indulged in literature but there was just no other way of describing it.
“It was one of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance in it, that you may come across four or five times in life. It faced--or seemed to face--the whole external world for an instant, and then concentrated on you with an irresistible prejudice in your favour.” -The Great Gatsby
It was then I felt respite within me. I think that in the end Juuzou saved me more than how I saved him.
"Hey... Thank you " I turned to him and smiled weakly.
"No Juuzou... Thank you. I didn't think I would ever recover and be able to speak again. You proved me wrong, so thank you." I opened the door.
"H-hey! Umm... What's your name?" I turned to him in surprise. I had never told him my name.
"...When you recover, visit my part-time job and I'll tell you" He smiled again.
"Come visit again...ok?" I nodded

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