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Louis stops as he is at a clearing. He takes deep breaths, trying to calm down as he looks around. The omega has no idea where he is. He still takes in his surroundings before he sits down, but jumps up again as he hears a low growl from behind him.

Louis whimpers and turns around, immediately recognising the scent from the black alpha standing between the trees. The omega drops on his stomach and starts to crawl towards Harry, whining on his way.

He stops right in front of the alpha's paws and turns on his back, exposing his most vulnerable parts - his throat and stomach. Harry quickly places his teeth around the omega's throat with a low growl. He doesn't close his mouth though, because he doesn't want to kill Louis. He just wants to show him who is in charge.

Once Harry's teeth are gone from Louis' throat the omega sits up, starting to lick the alphas chin as he start to whine again. He presses his body as close to the alpha as possible - the black and white fur contrasting beautifully. The omega looking for comfort in the alpha after his little panic attac.

Harry starts to lick over Louis' scent gland to get rid of Niall's scent and replace it with his own.

Louis stops to lick Harry, instead snuggeling under the black wolf's head with a last whimper. Harry then gently places his head ontop of the omega's, his alpha calm now that the other alpha's scent is gone.

Then Louis lays down in the cool grass, Harry follows suit, placing a protective or more possessive paw over the white wolf.

Then Louis lays down in the cool grass, Harry follows suit, placing a protective or more possessive paw over the white wolf

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Louis turns to his side, back pressed against the alpha and closes his eyes. He is calm again after his panic attack, thankfully. So right now he just enjoys to lay with Harry in the evening sun.

But their peace and quiet is soon interrupted by a twig snapping. Louis lifts his head, looking towards the direction the sound came from. Harry too lifts his head and growls. The alpha gets up, moving so he is standing above Louis, who now lays on his stomach.

A moment later Niall steps out of the trees, a pair of grey sweatpants in his hands. He stops as Harry growls loudly, ready to attack. The irish alpha lifts his hand up, showing he means no harm.

"Calm down, I'm just here to check if Lo- if he's alright." Niall says, pointing towards Louis, still laying beneath Harry. "And bring you your sweats you lost on the way." He throws the pair of pants towards the two wolves before his eyes lock on Louis'. "Are you alright?"

Louis doesn't even have a chance to react before Harry jumps forward with a loud growl. The omega jumps up quickly and runs to stand in front of Niall. Right now he doesn't doubt that Harry would hurt the blonde alpha.

Niall steps back in respect and fear of the black wolf in front of him. "I don't want anything from him, Harry. I just wanna make sure he is alright." Niall explains.

However, Harry just continues to fletch his teeth, red eyes staring at Niall while threatening growls are coming from him. Louis has enough and just growls back, taking both alphas by surprise.

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