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It takes a lot of effort to suddenly leave the place you grew up and lived up until now. I was practically forced to do so, when staying there would only be dangerous for me. I was a runaway, something that I had never expected to be. But being in the drug industry meant that you had to be prepared for the unexpected. And now here I was, walking towards my house in the morning hours, after I left Sunmi's place. It was painful to leave her sleeping there alone, when we had spent the most beautiful night of our life. I gave her a soft kiss on her forehead, stood there right next to her for a while and stared at how beautiful she was. Her chest was moving up and down from breathing. Her lips were so rosy and plump, I would die to kiss them, but I knew that I would wake her up. I didn't want to leave my favorite bed, but it was time...

I wish I could take her with me, I wish we could live together and spend the rest of our lives together. But I had made my choice two months ago, when I accepted Lee Seungdon's job offer. Nothing illegal has a good ending, now I knew that for sure.

So I reached home and started packing up my things. I didn't even know what I needed to take with me. I stuffed a suitcase and my black backpack with clothes and other necessary things. It was almost 7 o'clock and no matter how I would love to lay on my bed, I had to go. I was thinking of catching the first morning flight to Daegu. I would be safe there, I thought. And then I would start my life all over again. I would find a small apartment, a job... I had to survive. I took all the money I had in my safe. 10K already. They would get me through my new beginning out of this city. Although I would prefer spending them on a fancy house or a car, now I needed to make ends meat more than never.

I left the house, locked it and prayed that some day I would be able to come back. I didn't care, if two days before I wanted to get out of there as soon as I had money in my hands. I would really miss my home with the good and the bad memories and nothing could ever compare to that. I took the train to the airport, taking care of my stuff, like I was carrying gold. If anyone caught me carrying 10K on me, they would immediately suspect me and call the police. I was really afraid, until I get to Daegu all safe and sound.

It was a cold morning, that made me think of those warm and breezy nights in town. I was always walking alone at night in my neighborhood, but I was never afraid. Maybe fear was a bit unimportant to me at that point of my life. I had been through everything after all. I had gotten involved with drugs, I had left behind the love of my life, I was trying to escape prison like I was a criminal. But I was...

I would miss working as a barista at the "Vienna" cafe in the mornings, I would miss meeting with Lee Seungdon at his old garage, I would miss sneaking into Sunmi's bedroom and sleeping with her. Tears started running from my eyes. All these thoughts were killing me like never before. I was practically leaving everything I loved behind me. How could I? I used to not appreciate my life, but these past few weeks, I took a whole turn and started seeing things from another perspective. No matter how bad and difficult things were, we always had a choice to find the good in everything and everyone. Even if I was a drug dealer, I was still a woman with dreams, that wanted to live a peaceful life. I was still hoping.

I did my check-in and handed over my suitcase. I couldn't wait to get to Daegu. Maybe I would forget everything there. I headed towards the airport control space, where two security guards checked my backpack and my clothing. Everything fine. I was ready to get on board. My flight was about to take off in an hour.

I had a book in my hands, sitting there and waiting to get on board soon. It was a novel I had randomly taken from my bookcase. It belonged to my dead father and although I didn't like reading, I tried to give that book a shot. And I got completely absorbed by the plot, because it took my mind away for a while. I forgot about my worries, about all the things that I had left behind and all the things that I was about to meet soon. Reading was relieving and that made me think of going to college as soon as I was settled down. My parents would love to know that I would become a cultured and educated woman at some point in my life.

There was an announcement on the speakers about my flight. All the passengers needed to get on board now. I put my precious book inside my backpack, stood up and walked towards the line. There were so many people traveling to the same destination as me. I was thinking that I couldn't be the only criminal among so many people. That made me feel a bit more relieved.

A loud voice was screaming my name. I turned around just to see Sunmi walking fast towards my direction. It was like a movie. I didn't know how to feel about that. She had come to find me and no one had ever done such a romantic and bold thing for me. My feet were frozen and I couldn't move at any direction.

"Sunmi, What are you doing here?" I said with a smile on my face.
"I'm coming with you. That's what I'm doing."
The woman had indeed a bag and a small suitcase along with her. She was crazy. The most intelligent woman I had ever met in my life was actually equally crazy.
"You can't do this." I said and held her hands. I was already missing her.
"Yes, I can. And you know why? Because I love you and I had never loved anyone like this. You have to go and that means I have to come with you."

I looked around me. People were walking through the thalamus that led to the airplane. I needed some time to rationalize her.
"Baby, what you're about to do is a complete non-sense. Here you have everything." I looked her in her eyes. How much I had missed these eyes looking back at me. "You have a great home, a brother to take care of you. Another brother that needs you to be close. You have your studies. You have everything. Don't sacrifice that for anything in the world."

"I was never bold in my life, Chungha. And now this is the first time that I know what's right for me. I won't close my eyes and ignore it. I love you."
That last one had me even more weak. No one had ever cared so much for me. How could I say no to her and leave the woman I loved behind.
"I took some money from my brother. He was keeping them inside a drawer in the garage. I'm coming to Daegu whether you like it or not." She continued with her eyes being teary.

I wouldn't do another mistake. There was no time for mistakes after all.
"I  fucking love you." I said and held her in my arms, drawing her into a passionate kiss. I didn't care if people stared, I had my woman with me and I was willing to start a new life by her side. If I had her, I didn't want anything else.

She held my hand and looked me in the eyes with the purest smile on her face.
"Now, let's get on board."

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