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"HANDS UP ALL OF YOU, ON THE GROUND OR YOULL BE SHOT STRAIGHT THROUGH THE HEAD!"  A masked man shattered the window and screamed that through the whole jewelry store. The mask was a bear.

Everyone listened to the masked man. They got on the floor, hands up. He started taking things from the jewelry cases and putting them in his bag. He saw the person working there dialing a phone number. He pointed his gun towards them,


The worker looked up and dropped the phone.

"Good. Now all of you pass me $100 or else this gun is firing at a random person"

One person didn't comply.

"Since one of you didn't comply with me we're gonna do this my way."

He set the gun down.

"I'm gonna spin this and whoever it lands on is dead."

He spins.





It stops. On a boy, maybe about 18 years old. He was wearing small shorts.

The boy looked like he couldn't breathe. He reached for his pocket. The boy pulled out an aspirator. He took a puff.

The masked man felt bad. He didn't wanna shoot the boy. He picked up the gun,


He didn't shoot the boy. He shot someone else.

What he assumed to be the girlfriend was mortified,

"That boy should have been shot instead! Why my boyfriend!"

"Remember little lady" he said walking close to her "I said we were gonna do things my way."

"HE SHOULD HAVE DIED!" She said pointing at the boy "MY BOYFRIEND IS NOW"


He shot her.

The masked man took everything and left. The small boy managed to see a little bit of the guy and he said to himself,



Owo hope u likey :)


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