One Minute

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Chapter 11: One Minute

There was a sharp knock at the door. Knightwalker's shoulders tensed. "Captain Knightwalker, I am coming in." A slim, sable haired woman set a foot inside the temporary lodgings of Captain Erza Knightwalker. Her heeled shoes glided graceful against the carpeted floor as she approached the Captain. Beside her was a young, coral haired woman, who was carrying a rather large, silver box kit. She struggled slightly, as she maintained to tote it in her petite hands. "I am Ultear. His Majesty sent for me, to provide you with this dress, among other things. This lovely gown was a wise choice on his part, may I add." The woman, known as Ultear instructed the disinclined Knightwalker to straighten her back. She circled around her like a vulture and made a pleased sound for each glance she took in. Under her breath, she uttered, "Jellal has excellent taste." However, the observant Captain heard her whisper. Who is this woman?

The woman slapped a small area of her back. "Captain, do keep your posture… Meredy, put that on the table." Ultear unlocked the lid of the box. It contained various styling brushes and makeup a woman (or a man) could ever need. "Since you are a natural, I will just add on a tad bit of makeup. That will suffice." The look of terror marred the Captain's face. "A moment, please."

"Now, now. Be a good little Captain and sit still."

"Amazing. Formal events like this is a little stuffy, don't you agree, Sugar Boy?" Hughes sipped a glass of champagne and monitored the nobles that mingled with one another as he and Sugar Boy waited by the grand staircase. The blonde man adjusted his bowtie and wished for the clanking and heaviness of his armor, instead of the crisp, black tuxedo that he donned at the moment. "Hmmm, agreed." They stayed in the background while their King interacted with everyone. The voluble and genial monarch, who wore a similar tux to them, but with a longer tailcoat, communed well with the high-ranking officials. The aristocratic and tame ambience that littered at every corner was something that their ruler was used to by now. However, with the Captains, they much prefer the bustle and tussle of their mess hall, drinking cups of stale ale and shouting at one another.

The Captains courtly greeted a passing chamberlain when they were acknowledged. When he left, the pair breathed again. "Hmmm, suffocating, indeed." Elation erupted within them when the King finally returned by their sides. "Is something amiss, Captains?" He asked. He was concerned with how taut their forms have become. A sympathetic smile emerged on his face when he realized what was wrong. His friends were out of their element. "Do not stress yourselves with this. It will soon be over." He gently patted their shoulders. Usually, their attendance weren't mandatory in these types of proceedings, but this time around, they were also invited, as the King's honored subjects. "Now, where is Captain Knightwalker? I wonder if she is cooperating with Ultear." His eyes glimpsed at the clock by the top of stairs. It is almost time for dinner party. "Erza? I'm sure she is putting up an amazing fight. Much like we did! Right, Sugar Boy?" He simply gave a nod to that.

The three were caught up in a light conversation until Hughes choked on his drink. "Hughes, what are you looki…" He stumbled out, "" Jellal's breath hitched when he followed the younger Captain's finger. At the crown of the staircase, was Knightwalker. The scarlet satin gown fell on her body perfectly, accentuating her feminine curves. Her hair was propped up stylishly at the back, revealing her slender neck. She journeyed down the stairs. It felt like she was descending down from a mountain, with the treacherous stiletto shoes Ultear forced her to wear. When she finally joined her boys, she glared at them. "It is you, Erza!" Hughes exclaimed. He needed her wont glare for confirmation. "Yes, Hughes."

The King tugged at his collar and soon, his composure returned to him. He offered his arm to her. Hesitant, initially, but before long, she linked her arms with his. "Do you see what that woman enforced upon me? These shoes aren't footwear, they are weapons." Her comment brought a chuckle out of him. "Nevertheless, you look absolute exquisite and…" He inched his mouth near her ears. "Delectable." His hot breath tickled her. "Shut up." She gently nudged his head away.

The pair walked casually in front, giving Sugar Boy some time to observe the duo. "Hmmm, did something happen between them?" He asked no one in particular. "Happen between—" Meredy grabbed Hughes' arm. "Come on, Captain Amazing." The shorter girl began dragging him to the dining area. "Whoa! What do you think you're doing, Pinky?" Sugar Boy shifted his head to the right. Ultear stood tall next to him. "Do escort a lady, if you please."

After the endless banquet, the group headed back to their respective rooms, and greeted each other good-bye. Well, except for the King and the female Captain. "Why are you following me, your Majesty?" She limped forward and tried to out-maneuver him, but with her shoes of death hindering her, it was impossible. Finally, she caved in and removed it. "I want to be certain that my lady arrive at her chambers, unscathed." Her stride grew faster, but they were evenly matched.


"King." Weary from the long night, she just wanted to take a bath and sleep. She clearly couldn't handle his antics right now. "Thank you and good night." Knightwalker opened her door, but a wedge between the doors prevented it from fully closing. She looked down. "King, your foot." He took a step towards the partially opened door. "Captain, may I come in?" Despite his bold question startling her, she remained engaged in their battle of opening/closing the door. Victory would've been hers if he didn't voice out, "I think someone is coming." Instinctively, she hauled him inside. Once her deed was realized, she cursed herself for it. "Your Majesty. You must leave. It is rather impertinent of you to be here at such a late hour."

"What do you mean by that? You pulled me in, therefore, I was invited." An innocent, dimpled smile appeared on his face. "Really? That is your reasoning." The shoes that nearly killed her tonight were thrown at his direction. "Captain. Just a minute, then I will leave." Although, she knew submitting to his "one minute" whim was as a safe a lion's den, she didn't have the strength to fight him off anymore. "A minute."

"Yes, just one minute." Just a minute, of course, Captain.

Knightwalker bounced on the bed and massaged her sore feet. Then, she heard a click. A click that sounded like the door was being locked. She glanced up at the only perpetrator who could've done that. "King. I think your minute had passed." He laughed. "Just a minute, because you have done it again."

"Done what this time?" After she had said that, she recalled a previous engagement that they had a few weeks ago. "Your Majesty, it was declared that…" She searched for her words as he advanced closer and closer to her. "…that episode we had, would never occur again." Her back was now pressed against on the silken sheets. The bed softly protested at the added weight of two people. "You declared it? I don't seem to remember complying to your terms." He stroked her lips with his thumb and leaned forward.

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