You Don't Love Me Like You Did Yesterday

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Alexander placed his bookmark back into his book when his phone started to ring. He glanced once at the caller ID before sighing and answering. "Hello?" He said, closing his book and placing it onto his desk.

"Hey, Alex. You might want to come down to our dorm, it's important." The voice replied. Alexander let out a sigh.

"What's happening, Angelica?" He asked, forcing some interest into his voice.

"It's Eliza. She wants to speak with you in private." Angelica said, her voice more hushed. Alexander stifled a groan.

"Very well. I'll be there in a few." He gritted out, ending the call. Stuffing his phone into his pocket, he let out a grumble. "I thought I made it clear that it was a one night thing we had, it was nothing more." Shaking his head, he turned and stood reluctantly from his armchair.

"Who was that Alexander?" John asked, not looking up from his book, a bit of venom evident in his gtone. "Was it Eliza again? Or maybe one of her sisters?"

Now, John was Alexander's boyfriend. He still is. But Alexander cheated on him, and that's something John still hasn't forgiven him for. Even though Alexander pleaded and begged for his forgiveness, it was not granted to him.

"John, I-" Alexander began, but John waved him off, now putting down his book.

"Whatever, Alexander. Just go. It doesn't matter." John stated, getting up and disappearing into his room. John insisted on sleeping on his own bed after he found out about Alexander and Eliza. And Alex didn't blame him. But it still hurt.

Alexander made his way to the Sisters' dorm and the door swung open before he even had a chance to knock. Peggy grabbed his arm and yanked him inside, pulling him into a side room before he even had a chance to say anything. She closed the door and grabbed Alexander's shoulders.

     "What-" He began, but was cut off.

     "Listen, Alexander," She whispered so quietly it sounded like a hiss. "I'm barely keeping Angelica from tearing you apart limb from limb. Try not to give her a reason to kill you. Just nod and agree. That's all you have to do." Alexander blinked, his eyes wide with surprise.

"I-" Alexander began to reply with indignation. Peggy's soft gaze suddenly grew sharp and cold and he cut himself off. "All right. All right." She nodded once and opened the door of her room, dragging Alexander into the hallway.

     "Angie, Alex is here!" She called. Seconds later, Angelica skidded into the hallway, her eyes unreadable.

     "Come with me." Angelica snapped, grabbing Alexander's arm and pulling him into Eliza's room. Peggy shot him a sympathetic look before he disappeared into the room.

Eliza was sitting on her bed, her knees pulled up against her chest. She looked up as Angelica and Alexander came into the room. "Hey, Alex." She greeted, her eyes brightening. He nodded, acknowledging the greeting and Angelica left, leaving Eliza and Alexander together.

     "There's something you wanted to tell me?" He asked not moving from his spot on the wall. Eliza pressed her palms together awkwardly before pulling herself up and looking over at Alexander.

     "Alexander...I'm pregnant." She murmured. Alexander's eyes widened and he stared at her in horror.

     "W-what?! You're pregnant!" He whispered hoarsely. She smiled at him.

     "Yeah. And you're going to be a father." Eliza said, happiness evident in her voice. He looked at her incredulously before shaking his head.

     "There is no way in hell I'm ready to be a fricking father. Absolutely not. No." Alexander almost shouted. With that, he turned on his heel and left, leaving Eliza feeling miserable.

*     *     *

     "You are a complete asshat, Alexander." Hercules remarked once Alexander told him and Lafayette about what happened. "You could've at least let her down easy." Shame weighed at Alexander, but he ignored it.

     "Alexandre, mon ami. Did you tell John? If you didn't, that's what you should've done the second you found out." Lafayette said without even sparing him a glance.

     "No. But I just-" Alexander began, but Lafayette cut him off.

     "There's no excuse you bumbling idiot," Lafayette snapped, suddenly looking at Alexander with a searing gaze. "You broke the trust two people are supposed to have in a relationship and you expect me to sympathise with you? Well, you're wrong. When you mature enough to accept the consequences of your actions, let me know." Lafayette got up and left the table, leaving his untouched plate of food and left the dorm, disappearing from sight.

     "Sorry. I better go after him. Good luck." Hercules murmured. He said the last part half-heartedly. Alexander knew that they both blamed him.

     "Well, it isn't my fault." He muttered to himself just as John came out of his bedroom and came into the kitchen. He stance had a certain tense edge to it, Alexander noticed. Could it be that he already knows? John sifted through the pantry before eventually pulling out a granola bar and a pack of wooden toothpicks before shutting it and proceeding to head back to his room. "Hey, John, wait a second." Alexander called quietly. John turned abruptly on his heel and graced Alexander with the sight of his cold gaze.

     "Is there something you require, Alexander?" John asked, pushing the small box of wooden toothpicks into his pocket. Alexander felt a bit hurt, but pressed on.

     "Um, no. But I need to tell you something." Alexander replied. John shot him and unreadable look before nodding ever so slightly. "Eliza is...pregnant...with my child." John closed his eyes for a few moments before reopening them. "I know." He whispered, a tear welling up in his eye before turning away, going into his room and closing the door behind him.

*     *     *

     "John, maybe you should just break up with him." Peggy said, fiddling with a pen in between her fingers. John took the toothpick from his mouth and flicked it into the trash can.

     "Even if I did, we'd still be roommates and I'd have to deal with him every damned day." John states dryly. Peggy blinked sympathetically.

     "I'm sorry, John." Peggy murmured. John shrugged.

      "It's whatever. I'm just done." John sighed out. Peggy engulfed him in a bone-crushing hug, since she didn't know of what else to say, and that made him feel just a little bit better.

*     *     *

     "He doesn't love me." Eliza whimpered out. "I was just a disposable toy he didn't plan on keeping."

     "Eliza, that isn't true." Angelica chided.

     "Stop lying! You know it's true! Stop trying to protect him!" Eliza snapped. She suddenly hung her head and let tears fall freely from her cheeks. "I loved you. I cared about you, damn it. And you just leave me alone, all myself. You didn't even consider me. You just up and left. I...don't know how long I can handle this before I break into a thousand pieces..."

     "Eliza..." Angelica murmured, her sentence going unfinished as she realised she couldn't really defend him without lying.

   "You don't love me like you did yesterday..."

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