Chapter 1

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This is not what I had in mind.

Then again, foolish me for not explicitly asking what we were doing. Today really wasn't the day for hanging out with my deranged friends.

"Guys..." Adrian calls, shushing the group at once, "It's so obvious. She dumped him cuz she's fallen for me."

The whole group, including me, bursts out laughing.

"I think that's a stretch." Sandra teases him, but he shakes his head vehemently.

"No, no. It makes perfect sense. All that time we spent together served its purpose. I knew my charm was working." He sounds so confident another outpour of laughter rolls around us.

"Adrian, dude, chasing after her can hardly count as a charm," says Joon Kyung, as he scoots closer to Adrian and pats his back comfortingly.

Adrian is not ugly by any means. Actually, he's pretty handsome with his soft brown hair and expressive eyes. That said, his charms are lacking and let's not even get started on his behavior lately. He's a little puppy chasing after a campus beauty. It's obviously not going anywhere but he likes to pretend they're fateful lovers.

"Of course it can! I'm wearing her down, I tell you," he assures Joon Kyung with a nod. He then lounges back onto the grass, crossing his arms under his head. "Just wait and see. Last week she even let me buy her lunch."

"Oh God, here we go again," I let out amusingly, at the same time Sandra groans and Anhie cackles.

"Not again, please!" Tae Hyung begs, sprawling himself over Adrian with his hands in a prayer position smack in the center of his face.

Adrian, as expected, goes on a fit about how we don't support him and his romantic life. Joon Kyung bickers and I don't wait around for a better opportunity. "Tae, can I have the keys? I'm gonna go get the rest of the drinks."

He immediately springs into action and ransacks his pockets for the keys. "You want me to come with?" He asks me, extending a hand out with them.

I quickly take them from him and assure him, "No, it's okay!" Then I hastily make my exit.

Leaving behind the nosy group, I take a breath of relief and go back through the dense tree line behind us.

It's a shame today is actually a beautiful day. September usually brings shiny days but normally it'd be too hot for us to actually have a picnic. Today is warm enough that we can joke around without sweating like pigs. God knows, Joon Kyung's stink after a workout session is torture enough.

"Em!" I hear someone call behind me and turn around in time to catch Anhie jogging to me.

Frowning, I ask, " What?"

She finally gets to me and links our arms together, a sweet smile playing on her lips. "Can you do me a favor?"

I guffaw. I should have seen it coming. I let her know. "I shouldn't be surprised at this point."

"Of course not! Have you learned nothing this past year?" She informs me after giggling.

I shake my head and pat her head. "It'd help if you weren't so cute. I could reject you without a second thought."

She beams at me and nudges me to keep walking, which confuses me further. "Where are we going?" I honestly thought she wanted something from the car.

"To the car."

"You're being cryptic." Exceedingly so. And it low key scares me. Anhie withholding information is always a bad omen. The last time it happened, we ended up at a creepy antique store with an even creepier salesman hitting on us. I shudder at just the memory. I look up at her and narrow my eyes.

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