Part - 4

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As the time passes, her heart start beating more faster, in these few hours of meeting with him, she understood one thing clearly that he definitely do what he says..Despite too much insistence by Shekhar, she did not came out of her room, just sitting in the corner of the bed silently in fear..shekhar solaced her saying he won't let him come infront of her eyes ever again.. it was 9 in the night and he was nowhere.. " ragini beta, go and sleep comfortably,  he won't come now..he is scared...?" Shekhar tried to cheer her up..

" Are you saying truth..?" nothing else but only fear was their in her eyes...shekhar felt hurt more then ever. His innocent daughter who was already broke before, one stranger is shattering her more, he wanted to shoot him right now..." Yes my baby, i am saying truth, as long as i am alive, he won't dare to come here..." When his phone start ringing.. he pick up the phone after looking at ragini once...

" What..?" He shout in shock..Whatever information the other side caller gave him, shook him totally.." but how, where the hell was watchman at that time..." " Sir, someone gave me this news on phone, when i came here, everything was already burned..." The caller said..." Okay stay there, i am coming in half an hour..." Shekhar said in tension and cut the call..

" What happened papa..." Ragini forget her fear for a moment seeing her father in tension.." our factory caught fire, everything burned in that..I have to go there immediately..." In his own tension he forget about ragini who was still scared, and left from there...ragini get more tensed in alone, she was only thinking about her father, her father gave lots of years for that factory, their factory reached on the next level of success only because of his hard work and passion..and now only in few seconds everything distroyed.. 

She was lost in her own thoughts when suddenly electricity goes off, and whole room filled with darkness...she jumped on her placed in scared, her heart start beating faster.." geeta....geeta..." She shout for a maid in horror....

"Gumanaam Hai Koi, Badanaam Hai Koi
Kis Ko Khabar, Kaun Hai Vo, Anajaan Hai Koi
Gumanaam Hai Koi..."

Suddenly someone start singing brilliantly.. she stopped immediately..someone else was also there in the room as voice was coming somewhere nearly...

It takes her less then a second to recognized to whom this voice belongs to, her fears comes true..he did what he said..ragini start sweating badly not understanding where is he because of darkness.. today she feels very weak because of disability..from the long time shekhar was trying to make her ready for operation to get free from this disability, but she was scared what if her operation become unsuccessful...she didn't had courage to think more then this...

Lucky bring out the lighter from his coat and light up the cigarette which was in between his lips. When ragini look with widen eyes in the little light of lighter found him sitting on the bed very close to her..." Hello dear wifey, how are you..? What your father thought, if he threaten me then i will get scared and won't come here.." he laugh loudly burning her ears.." he is such an the way where is he..?" He move burning lighter close to her face, ragini move her face back in fear, as she don't trust this mad guy, he will burn her face if he wants....lucky smirk and put his lighter back in his coat..

He takes a long puff of cigarrete and blow the smoke on her face, which resulting she start coughing non stop...

"Pal Do Pal Ki Masti Hai, Bas Do Din Ki Hasti Hai
Chain Yahaan Par Mahanga Hai Aur, Maut Yahaan
Maut Yahaan Par Sasti Hai
Gumanaam Hai Koi.."

He pick up her small body in his arms ignoring his struggles to get free, keep singing in his melodious voice..In any other situation ragini would have become the fan of his voice, but right now she only feels hate and fear...

Her eyes were shut tightly, plumpy lips were shaking and heart was ready to stop beating, but lucky had no business with it, he prove that no one can stop him to do what he said. He takes her to dining table and made her sit on one chair very carefully, on that moment electricity also came back but ragini's eyes were still close..

Lucky gives a brief look to her face, her closed eyes under long lids, small straight nose, red cubby cheeks, plumpy pink lips, his gaze move from her face to her long slim neck and freeze on the black mole of the neck, unintentionally he touch the mole of her neck...

Ragini opened her eyes in jerk, lucky look into her eyes which only have fears, on the contrary lucky has infinity emotions, he wanted to touch her mole, feel it..but his grip get tighten on her neck when she opened her eyes...ragini's eyes become widen, she tried to freed her neck with both hands but lucky was seems not in his sense, she felt her breaths are stopping when suddenly he take his hand back in jerk and look her carefully, who was taking long breaths to get normal in teary eyes...

"only this much dare you had?" He taunt looking her with his killer smile like he enjoyed what he did, her heart felt disgust with him..." If your only purpose is to killing me, then kill me in once, what do you wanna to prove by doing this to me..." She complete with very difficulties in between tears..lucky study her exhausted face for a moment then laugh...

" In once..? no dear wifey, i won't give you this simple death, i will kill you daily again and again, slowly slowly..i will give you that much pain that you will beg for dying, but i won't kill you then even..." He roared glaring directly in her eyes..ragini shivered, his cruel thoughts stopped her heartbeats...

"What happened..? Why are you looking me like this..its just a start dear wife, lot of things are still there to heard and experience.." he wipe her tears softly.." but what is my fault...?" Her weak, moist voice give peace in his heart..." This fault is enough that you are daughter if Shekhar Gadodia..." " Why do you hate my father...?"

"ask this question to you father, he can give you better answer. For now i am hungry, lets have a dinner, but i am sure you didn't prepare anything even when i said i'll come, so i bring food from hotel which you will eat with me..." He says like they have very good understanding, but she stare him in hate.." i don't wanna to eat with you..." She says..

" So am i, and neither i have wish to feed you with my hands which i am sure you wouldn't like too.." he serve food in her plate.." so stop being stubborn and start eating, and if you are thinking about you father then don't worry he won't come now.." saying he start eating from his plate while ragini become shock... " What do you mean..? Where is my papa..?" But he simply ignore her..

" I am asking to you, what you did with my papa...?" She shout angerly, throwing the plate away in which he served for her, on the another moment lucky printed his five finger on her cheeks.. " I told you earlier don't be stubborn, i hate those peoples who argue unnecessarily, specially when i am let me eat peacefully.. " he roared and start eating again like nothing happened while ragini was looking him in shock with placing her hand on burning cheek...

Shekhar was looking his distroyed factory brigade was doing their work, but nothing was there to save.." how did this happened..?" He asked agrily to his manager.." " sir they are saying that someone threw the burning cigarette bymistakly, which results start in fire and that caught whole factory in fire..." he didn't said anything else, silently stand there helplessly looking his hard work become waste in front of his own eyes..suddenly something click in his mind...

" Ragini...oh my could i do this..." He become tensed, the loss of factory suddenly become very little loss.." what happened sir, is something wrong..?" manager asked in concern looking his white face.." nothing...i have to go..." Saying he rush toward his car ignoring the manger who was calling him, because someone was more important for him then the factory, his daughter Ragini Gadodia....

To be continued...

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