Doomed(episode 3)

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I trudged down the dull corridors a pain in my chest thinking of Harry how badly did I really hurt him wait this is all iron fists fault...right... no it's mine Danny was only trying to protect me...but why does he care for me in such little time too?

Perhaps I shouldn't think to much on it I mean I've known him for such a short time I'm overthinking the situation I can't go to trig like this I started to make my way to my little room

After dodging students teachers...flash...harry I came face to face with the plain wooden door I solemnly enter I quickly shut the door behind me hoping not to be noticed I let a sigh escape my plump but small pink lips

I began to play the song the river flows in you with fluidity my fingers gliding on the piano keys as a soft smile snakes it onto my lips I heard the creaking of a closing door I turned around only to meet the eyes of Danny I jumped to my feet letting the stool hitting the ground

"Umm.....hi Danny"i smile sheepishly rubbing my neck he smiled leaning against the wall lazily even lazing around he looks good..."hi..."he slowly approached me i blushed slightly I think he noticed cause he smirked lightly "so... what are you doing here Danny"why am I acting like this?

"I heard the sound of beautiful music and it led me to this very room where I found you... I didn't know you could play...pierce"he wiped a stray hair off my face my blush darkened no think of Harry"teach me will you"he asked "huh umm suuuure" I fixed the stool and grabbed him a stool

And I sat my self down and he took a seat beside me and I showed him the keys"ok rather simple the Key's repeat the pitch get higher and lower with a certain side the keys aren't alphabetical but range from a'b'c'd'e'f'g once you hit g it becomes a again"

i showed him 3 keys first and then he began to play pressing the keys gently with extrem care as if it were a child i wonder...noo thinking like that his a monk right don't they have vow's or something too bad he has a nice build...i mentally face palmed what am i thinking i'm with harry...sorta...right?

-iron fist p.o.v-

i watched her carefully from the corner of my vision i watched as her soft silky hair that i so badly want to run my finger's through slowly caressed her beautiful face she seem's so perfect almost too perfect she had a slight blush on her face was she thinking of him...

i felt jealousy begin to course my veins but why?why him what doe's she see in him exactly? i saw a smile creep it's way onto her kissable lip's that i so badly longed for they should be mine and mine only...wait what?...why am i saying this what has come over me...and why do i feel these desires to...make her...mine?

she turned to me and smiled tilting her head cutely as if my body had a mind of it's on i felt myself leaning forward only thinking of her precious lip's...only thinking of her i closed my eye's it was like it was no longer gravity holding me to this earth but her i wanted to protect her be the one to make her laugh and smile be the only one to hold her...kiss her she is mine

our lip's were only centermeters apart i could already smell her amazing scent that reminded me of home   she was amazing in every way no flaw's  how can someone be this amazing in every sense it's almost as if she was made for me and me alone why do i feel so possessive and protective over this delicate rose?

as our lip's were about to touch key word "were" agent coulson smashed the door open and entered the room in what seemed to be in a fit of rage hmm...but came to a sudden halt realising out position after a good 2 minutes he stormed to us but i could tell this was a fasade but the means behind it i have yet to discover

he said in a stern voice "now what exactly is our newly discovered love birds up-to"he said a smirk appearing on his face i could feel the blood rush to my cheek's pierce the first to speak said in a panic"IT'S...not...what it looks like Danny and i are nothing but friends and that's all we'll ever be"i looked unto the floor...but what if i wanted more much more

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