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Taehyung's POV

It's been a week in this prison. It was a challenge for me to keep count of the actual number of days I've been here because it felt like an eternity. The food here already reminds me of hell. Not only that, I can't even live in peace. Other prisoners just need an idiotic reason to beat me up whenever I come in their sight. There's also an old prisoner who just stares at me while I'm being beaten up. Some say he is a psychopath and a serial killer, and I steer clear of him. He creeps me out.

Honestly? I find it hilarious that I've never been bullied in school before and I'm experiencing it somewhere else.

If I had told about the note to someone else before, maybe, just maybe this wouldn't have happened.

I was snapped out of my daze when the door to my cell opened and a guard came in.

"Come, kid. Have your lunch."

Here we go again.


"You're talking back to us again, kid?! You are nothing but a piece of trash. On top of that, a rapist! Do you have any fucking idea that you're just signing your Death Certificate?!"

I wiped the blood from the corner of my mouth and looked at their so-called leader of the gang with hooded eyes. Lim Jae Beom.

"Listen up, Bum-Bum.", I started. Grabbing his collar, I punched him in the face, giving him a panda eye. "Call me whatever you want. But that doesn't hide the fact that you have committed a sin. You think you're washed in milk? You are wrong. You are an evil brat and the real sinner here, not me.", at this point of time, I could clearly see him boiling with rage. Or should I say, infuriated. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared. But I just couldn't keep quiet and do nothing.


"The hell's happening here?!"

We all looked behind and saw two infuriated guards, marching towards our table in the dining hall. Both of them separating us apart from by the arms.

"This has become a daily routine, now. Kim Taehyung, this is the last warning. If you are ever found fighting with them, or with any other prisoners, again, the consequences will be harsh.", the guard whom was holding me back spat at me.

"But I wasn't the one who starte–"

"Shut up! This is your last meal of the day. Eat and then straightaway go back to your cell." As if I'm dying to eat this puke.

The guards released me and I looked back and saw Jae Beom lip syncing, 'This isn't over.'

I gulped and sat back down, again, just staring at the tray in front of me. From the corner my eyes, I could see the old creep passing food from his tray to mine. I was about to pass it back when he stopped me.

"Those jailers aren't that bad. They give leafy herbs with the meal to the prisoners to keep them healthy. You need those right now. They'll heal your wounds, kid."

I was dumbfounded as to why he was trying to help me. I mean, don't the people here hate me for I'm a 'rapist'?

"If you don't mind me asking, what's your name?"

"You can call me Matsuda." Japanese?

I nodded my head in response and ate the leaves.

Bitter, but way lesser than my present state. 


The next day...

I was just taking a stroll after having my 'meal'. While I was passing by the control room, I realized I wasn't alone. Not this shit again.

I quickly entered the room trying to hide from them. In a swift motion, I found a hiding spot behind a shelf. Scanning the room, I tried searching for something to defend myself from their yet another attack. I then noticed a box beside me. Inside, I found something very useful. Darts...?

All of them were broken. I took out the outer plastic cover, keeping only the pin with me. Ripping the edge of my shirt and taking all the pins with me, I slowly made my way to the door and peeked outside.

And yes. They were searching for me.

Using the cloth as a bow and the pins as arrow, I aimed it at the pressure point on the shoulder of the first guy I found. He screamed and fell to the ground.

Same goes for the other five. Some were shot in thighs and some were shot in the shoulders. In short, they were debilitated.

"Oi rapist! What did you do with my men?!", I turned around to see the leader glaring at me.

"Are you blind as well, Bum-Bum, hm? Can't you see that I have debilitated your minions?"

I very cautiously took out the last pin I had left from back pocket without him noticing and placed it in the piece of cloth.

"Oh my God! I'm so scared! Listen up, rapist. You think  just debilitating my men means I've become defenseless? It's gonna take more than that to–ARGH!", he stumbled around for some time until he balanced himself on the wall, clutching his chest where I had shot him.

"Sorry. You were saying...?", I smirked.


And there goes the last pin in his crotch. He fell on his knees, holding onto his pee pee. 

"Nobody was ever interested to tickle your pickle, anyway." 


"Matsuda, why didn't you help me?"

"Help you? When?"

"When Jae Beom and his gang were beating me. I always saw you looking at me from afar, but you never came to help me." I asked.

"Kim. The way they beat you, you should've been hospitalized by now. You are strong. Not to mention smart, too. Even when they beat you, you never forget to protect your pressure points, that lessens the impact.", huh?

"But, still. You could have called the guards to stop them."

"I want you to learn how to defend yourself, kid."

Pressure points, you say?

I may make it even more interesting.

«End of Flashback»

I didn't know I was smiling until that same fucker from yesterday came again to intrude my little victory celebration.

"Kim Taehyu– What the hell?! I told you it was your last warning! Now we have no choice, but to put you in solitary confinement."




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