The river must flow through the cottonwood trees.
The night must fall on the beguiling gift of the breeze.
Winds will sing of their enchanted night time journey.
My mind is focused on loving memories of you and me.
Whippoorwills sing of the sad loss of a loving other.
Leaves twist and turn as the wind goes on further.
Tonight is the king and tomorrow a distant wish.
Come to me ,let me hold you and make that sensual wish.
The enchanted web we have spun with our love'
Holds us captive to the inner churning of that love.
Lose yourself in the melody of our life and growing love.
Hear the notes as our hearts sing like angels from above.
I do not wish to hold you captive unable to fly.
I love you and wish to share my love from on high.
Tomorrow will come with the first rays piercing the night.
We will still be in love and lost in each other's web of delight.
I will not name the winds that kiss us in the enchanting night.
I can only share with you my inner most gifts of such delight.
Fly away with me on the eternal wings of our growing love .
Together we are one in life, dreams and our enchanting love.
Marie Jacobs sept 22