Kings Landing

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"In the Capital of Kings Landing"

the council were discussing how they were going to deal with the news that Daenerys was alive and Jon snow was with her Bran had arrived to greet his people Tyrion was his hand as always "All hail King Bran the Broken" Braun was getting impatient his soldiers had came back empty handed warning of Kinvara the Red Priestess "I really do not want failure Daenerys and Jon must die!"

Davos was getting fed up with this "Your grace do you actually know she is a threat how do you know for sure" Bran laughed at Davos "I am the three eyed raven I see everything she must die so must Jon Snow" Davos was appauled by his behavior "he is your brother you would considering murdering your own family" Bran continued "if meant protecting the realm I would and I'm sure Arya and Sansa would agree too" Brianne didn't like to argue but agreed they need to find her and fast Bran had found she had landed near Meereen he would send men there to finish the Job.

Sam and Davos met outside the Walls they felt something didn't make sense "Sam what are your thoughts on this" Sam revealed his feelings "I think Jon would never go there unless it had to be important what if Daenerys isn't a threat to the realm" Davos agreed he had a gut feeling Bran knew more then he led on unless no he couldn't have could he "this wouldn't have happened unless he made it happened" the laughed suddenly then realized they needed information they headed towards the library and read on the three eyed raven the book had said they were fascinating creatures but then what Sam read upset him "Davos the Three eyes Ravens have the ability to get in someone's head and bend them at their will" Davos now realized what happened in Kings Landing "if that is true than Bran had oh no Daenerys, Jon" both had realized it was Bran who had burned Kings landing down not Daenerys he had made sure it happened Daenerys was not the true enemy it was Bran all along and they had supported him being King" Sam didn't know what do "Jon and Daenerys need our help but how" Davos had an idea "I know someone who can help I need sail to the Iron Islands and warn Yara Greyjoy she needs to know you need to return to Winterfell warn the Queen in the north and get a message to Arya" they agreed Bran had to be stopped before it was too late they departed to their destination

"In the Iron Islands"

Yara was still mourning Daenerys death she had followed her and supported her despite what happened she had hoped she had found peace wherever she was if heaven existed in the Targaryen world suddenly one of her soldiers had appeared "Your grace a Ser Davos Seaworth is here to see you says it's important" she nodded she met with Davos in her War chambers Davos had explained in detail what had happened and that Daenerys was alive and she and Jon were both in Danger Yara was in shock but it didn't surprise her "so all this time his own brother played them both they loved each other and he destroyed them" Davos understood her anger "She is alive Yara we need to help them but how" Yara thought about what to do "if she's in Meereen then that's where we need to be I'll gather my men to sail to Essos from there we'll go to Meereen and meet with her" Davos agreed and would Journey with her to accompany her they had to save their King and Queen before it was too late "Sam Tarly is returning to Winterfell to inform the Queen what has happened and to send a message to Lady Stark West of Westeros" she agreed they need prepare for the possibility of going to war against the King of the Seven Kingdoms one thing is for sure Bran had to be stopped no matter the consequences.

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