Chapter 27: He's back

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A few weeks later, already at home, Chloe was sleeping after having lunch and breastfeeding the girls, and Beca was explaining Noah some Math, since classes had already started, while Scott was at college and the girls were sleeping next to them in their car seats.

"I don't understand." Noah yawned supporting his chin on her hand with the pen in his left hand.

"Noah is not that difficult." Beca said kindly "Come on, how much is six times eight? Is the same as eight times six. Without the fingers." She added seeing Noah staring at his fingers. Noah huffed.

"How am I supposed to do it without my fingers?"

"Using your brain sweetie." Beca smiled "Come on, just think. Look at the clock, one half is from one to six and the other is from seven to zero, right?" Noah nodded "That's six and six. And how many numbers they are?"


"Exactly. So two times six is twelve, right?" Noah nodded "If the day has twenty four hours and is divided in two times twelve, that means twenty four is two times twelve. So twenty four is how many times six?"

"Four?" Noah asked.

"Are you asking or stating?"

"Four." Noah nodded.

"Perfect. So…"

"Six times four is twenty four." Noah said, and Beca nodded "But I gotta do six times eight."

"Yes, but isn't eight two times four?" Noah nodded "So if six times four is twenty four, six times eight is…"

"Forty eight!" Noah smiled excitedly and Beca grinned.

"Very well Noah, very well." Beca nodded.

"Okay, so now all multiplications and divisions are done." Noah said looking at his equation "Now what?"

"Now you do all the equals and subtractions and then the final number will be something X."

"So that's X."

"No, then you'll have two halves. It'll be a number X equality sign another number. You transform it into x equality singer and the division of the other two numbers, and the number you have, that's X." Beca explained, and stood up "Come on, elf, do your job so your sisters can presume of brother."

Noah nodded and Beca went to see the girls, that slept deeply. They had been crying most part of the night and now Riley was starting to cry, so Beca held her in her arms before she had a chance to wake Madeleine up.

"What's wrong?" Beca asked the girl pressing her lips against her cheek "You're diapers are clean, is it you're hungry? Yeah, that must be it." Beca carried the baby to the kitchen, taking one of her baby bottles with Chloe's milk from the fridge and putting it into the microwave so it was just a bit warmer, not too much but just not cold. She then proceeded to feed Madeleine "That's good right? Yeah, that's good."

Chloe yawned entering the kitchen.

"She's hungry?" Chloe asked hugging Beca from behind.

"A little bit." Beca replied "How was that nap?"

"Good, where's Noah?"

"Becoming a Math master." Beca joked and Chloe smiled a bit kissing Riley's head. The two women walked to the living room and Chloe kissed Noah's head from behind, pressing her cheek against his head while her arms supported on his shoulders hugging him a little.

"How's that going?" Chloe asked.

"Is starting to be a bit entertaining." Noah replied. Beca's cell sounded and she handed Chloe the baby to take the call.

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