This annoying feeling!

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ERU"Oreki -san"


 ERU: "Hhhhhh" *sighs* seems like Oreki - san is not going to listen.Houtarou -kun......

Houtarou:"WHA--???" *Blushes*

ERU: So you finnaly woke up *giggles* 

 Houtarou:'What is she up to' 

 ERU:"Oreki-san , you know it's 6 p.m already! Everyone has already left the clubroom"

Houtarou: "What! It's 6 already!!!!shit!!" *stands up and looks at the watch*

Houtarou:"What are you doing here???Why didn't you leave like the others did???"

ERU:"Well....let's talk about it while heading towards home " 

Houtarou :"hnnnn"

They were already out of the school

ERU:"Umm...Oreki-san know...."

Houtarou:"Speak it up already"

ERU:"Well ....I don't know why.....I just can't leave you....everytime I look at you....I just want to be with you....I don't now why....I can't ever take my eyes off-- ehh?!?! what am I saying??"


They were already at the intersection. 

ERU: bye Oreki-san ..... and yes *leans on him and whispers* You looked really cute while sleeping.... *rides away*

Houtarou: *stunned*   "What is This annoying feeling................." 

To be continued.......

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