The hunger games

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I sat up in bed quickly. I was freaking out, probably like most kids around my age. Who wouldn't? It was the day of the reaping. I only had my name in once, since I was richer than most people in district 12, but it was always possible for me to get chosen. As I sat thinking, I got visions in my mind of my name getting called out at the reaping today, by the overly perky Effie Trinket. Then, it went black and then showed photos of past hunger games. I tried to shake off the feeling, and it didn't work, so I went downstairs to where my family was, probably freaking out like me. I had two brothers and three sisters. 6 kids and all but one where going into the reaping today. So I guess our family chances aren't really in our favour. as I guessed, my mum and dad were trying to look calm and collected for us kids but I could see the fear and concern in their eyes. My little brother and sister were crying and I went over to comfort them. They were twins with the names of Becky and bob. They were 12 years old, so it would be their first reaping. After a little bit, I went upstairs to get changed cause I was going to cry and I hate to cry in public. After a few hours, my friend Matthew came over so we could walk to the reaping in the town square. We got there and I helped Becky and bob sign in. The others already knew how to. I then split up with Matthew and went to stand in my line with my other friend Taylor. As taylor and I talked, I could feel people looking at us and I was wondering why. Then I realized that Effie had already come on stage and was waiting impatiently for us to shut up.

"now, this year we are doing things a little differently. So try and keep up. We will be doing boys and then girls and then we will be saying a speech. So onto the boys." Effie explained.

Effie walked over to the big bowl full of thousands of district twelve boys names. She pulled out a slip of paper and went back over to the microphone.

"bob Kenny. Please come here."

As it sunk in I realized that my little brother was going into the hunger games and i could do nothing to stop it.

"come on up boy. Don't be shy. First any volunteers?" Effie asked.

I watched my brother standing up there trying to look strong because it was on television and the tributes would be seeing it later. He would have been a too easy target.

"I volunteer as tribute." said a boy in the crowd.

I couldn't see him until he walked up onto stage and grabbed my brother. He put him in with the rest of the crowd and then strongly stood next to Effie. It Matthew, my best friend.

I felt seasick, and as though the whole world was moving and flashing.

"how interesting. Now onto the ladies. She did the same for the girls and then called out the girl tributes name. I was hoping it wouldn't be someone I knew. Well...I was so wrong.

"Taylor itchavich.

My other best friend was a tribute and to make things worse, Taylor and Matthew were dating. I was so sad that I wasn't thinking of anything apart from helping them.

"I volunteer as tribute." I called out and then I ran onto stage.

I held taylor's hand and whispered that everything would be ok and that I would try my hardest to let Matthew come home so they could be together. Well, that set her off and she burst into tears as she watched her boyfriend and her best friend go off into the hunger games to the fight to the death, and only one could come out.


Hey guys. This is my first story. I hope youlike the start of it. I will be adding more later so don't worry.

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