Chapter eighteen 9/11 memorial field trip

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Good morning y'all it's John , Gail the kids and I are in a time schedule Manuel Silva our boss is taking ours kids to the 9/11 memorial today I am making the kids , mine and Gail's lunch Manuel told me to join them

So Daniel our supervisors is gonna be a sub for the rest of the kids and I'm super excited not because I'm gonna be there with Gail

Some of the kids don't know what 9/11 was because some of them weren't born yet or were born but they were so little they probably don't remember anything but all of ours kids were big already

Gabby , nick , Erica , Kristen were all big when this happen ours younger ones Matthew and Ashley they were like one year old when this happen

If you guys out there don't know what that was 9/11 was a the worst well I'll let gabby ours oldest explain in one of ours previous vlog

Flashback to gabby knowing what 9/11 was

Ok mrs stair , alright let's get started , today like you all know is the 15 anniversary of 9/11 when mrs sayer and I were younger and when most of you were born

Was one of the worst terrorist attack ever and mr sayer in a while has a story that he would like to share

Am I correct John yes both Gail and I have an story to share but we are gonna wait on until she wake up

Ok who knows what these building are called , yes gabby it the World Trade Center we live like a mile from it also know has the twin towers

Wow gabby I'm super surprise that you know of course mrs stair I read about 9/11 with mrs sayer and mr sayer all the time at home

Current time

Hello every one it's Gail here , we are boarding the bus right now on ours way to the 9/11 memorial

And here's ours group right here I'm gonna turn off my camera and we will vlog on John

Oh and morning routine video coming very soon to a YouTube near you

So I'll be taking a lot of pictures while we are there we are having lunch at where Diane it's up to Manuel where gail

You guys will see where we are going , I'm gonna take roll said John

A rolled called later

Thank you , have fun kiddo , alright sayers class against the wall ok mrs sayers , alright find a partner and stay with that partner all day long

Yes mrs sayer , and !, no wondering off if any of you take off I will call yours parent we have 3-4 adult here myself , mr sayers, mr Silva and Mrs Jones

So no wondering off , my group will be gabby , Ashley , Matthew , andrue, of course it would be andrue said Anahi annoyed

John you will take , Anahi , Michelle , Carolina, Joseph , brythanie

Diane will take , Jackson , Jaime , Alyssa , Amelia , and destiny , yes gail

And Manuel will take the remaining of the class

Ok sayers class separate with your adult leader

One more thing , if any of you get lost and can't find your leader if it's happens to be  myself , mr sayer , mr Silva or Mrs Jones

Go ask an adult in the building and they will help you find one of us

Any question , yes gabby has that ever happen before mrs sayer

Not in the 23 year I have been working here it hasn't

Gabby guess what , what mom ?, since you love the wizard of oz , yes mom , well me and dad got ticket to see the broadway version of the Novel it's based on wicked

I always want to see wicked mom it's gonna be here in New York I'm so happy it's my first broadway musical I have ever seen

Wicked , and me and dad have got you another surprise it's can't be better then seeing wicked

No we are gonna go back stage to meet the cast and sing in it  and see the whole thing from the bottom floor it's close to the stage

Oh my gosh , we are gonna play the soundtrack to the show Jenna ours friend gave us a copie of it when it's musical first came out

So we are gonna go see the musical during the summer I'm so happy right now

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