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"Alright where the frick is it" you thought to yourself.

?????: Excuse me miss? Is everything alright? You look lost. An older looking man said.

Y/n:"That's because I am lost, this is my first day here and I can't seem to find the cafeteria."

Mr. Kim:"Ah well hello "lost", I'm Kim Seokjin but you call me Mr. Kim. he said as he let a windshield wiper laugh escape from his mouth.

You giggled at his sudden dad joke.

Mr. Kim:"You mentioned that you couldn't find the cafeteria, if you want I can have another student take you there." he said with a smile

Y/n:"Oh yes please, but are you sure they wouldn't be bothered?" You said with a slight frown.

Mr. Kim:"Well most of these students would be bothered but I know just the man, He's the one over there with the bright orange hair. Luckily for you his personality is even brighter! He said as you both walked towards the student.

Y/n:"Oh good, because I was getting worried haha." You scratched the back of your head.

Mr. Kim:"Excuse me Hoseok? Could you please show this young lady to the cafeteria, she's new. He asked

Hoseok:"Yeah of course! I'd be happy to!" He said with a very bright smile.

"Thank you" You and Mr. Kim said at the same time.

Mr. Kim walked away.

Y/n:" Thank you so much..Hoseok? was it?" You asked with a raised eyebrow.

Hoseok:"Yeah but you can call me Hobi if you'd like. He smiled. "What's your name?"

"Y/n" you replied

Hoseok:"Well nice to meet you Y/n!" He winked. "Shall we get going now?"

"Sounds groovy."

You both laughed.

{Time Skip}

You and Hoseok were walking into the cafeteria.

Hoseok:"So who're you eating with today?"

"Jimin and....jungkook? Do you know them?" You asked.

Hoseok:" Uh YEAH! They're two of my best friends!" He said as he jumped up and down.

Y/n:"Oh cool. Will you be eating with us then Hobi?" You smiled.

Hoseok:"Do you want me to." He winked.

"Of course! Do you see them anywhere?" You questioned.

"Over there!" He ran to them leaving you behind.

Y/n:"How the hell is he that fast?" You thought as you quickly followed.

You sat next to Hoseok and Jungkook

Jungkook:" Hey Kitten, what took you so long. Did you get lost? He laughed at you.

"Uhh yeah actually, but Hoseok helped me find my way. What can I say, he was my only hope. You replied. "AND WHO ARE YOU CALLING KITTEN?"

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