Chapter 47: Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

[ ]: Stand's names

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Mariah: My stand... Bast's magnetism... Once you get affected, there is no way to remove it.

 Once you get affected, there is no way to remove it

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Joseph: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !!! Uh... Anyone ?! Can someone stop this escalator ?!

Joseph: Wait... That's it !! I'll press the emergency button ! Using my [HERMIT PURPLE] !!!

 That's it !! I'll press the emergency button ! Using my [HERMIT PURPLE] !!!

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Joseph: Come on... Come on !! Where is it ?! There... Isn't one... ? No way !! This escalator has no emergency stop button ?!

The button was in fact on the other side, not even 10 centimeters away from where Hermit Purple was. But Abdul pressed it, so it's all good.

Your POV:

That was close. Abdul pressed the button just in time, but it looked like Mr.Joestar hadn't noticed it yet...

Joseph: AAAAAAA !!!! MY HEAD !!! MY HEAD !!! AAAAAAA !!!!

Joseph: I'M AT THE BOTTOM !!! THIS IS IT... !!! AAAA !!!!

"Uh... Mr.Joestar ?"

Joseph: I AM DEAD !!!! BWUUUH HUHUUU !!!

"M... Mr.Joestar... You're fine now..."



Joseph: AAAAAAAAaaaaaa... Uh ?

He finally snapped out of it and noticed that everything was fine now.

Abdul: It already stopped. The button was right beside it.

Joseph: Oh... Ev... Everything is fine !! This escalator passes inspection !!! The stop button is functioning !!

'Must not laugh, must not laugh...'

The seventh crusader (Stardust Crusaders x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now