ENGLAND X READER | Play Rehearsal

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highschool AU yet again. woo

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The first day of rehearsal, oh god. I thought as I absentmindedly tapped my fingers against the wooden table, we were supposed to do the iconic Romeo and Juliet. I got Juliet, which made me happy but... there was an issue.


" Hey, Mr (insert drama teacher last name here), um, who is supposed to be Romeo? I want to know-- "

My drama teacher's face pulled into a mischevious grin, and with full confidence spoke; " Ah! Well, that's a secret-- We want a little bit of surprise, you know? " He winked at me-- at least, I think he did; I passed out after I heard that.


I gritted my teeth as I waited for the tedious class to end. The way she spoke was equivalent to a fan, just droning on with an unearthly hum. At last, the bell rung and I flung out of my chair and ran to the theatre room.

It was a tall, red-themed room. With velvet padded seats and a huge stage. The curtains were maroon and shimmered in the spotlights. I took a deep breath and made my way backstage, but first, I changed out of my grey & red uniform and changed into something a bit more comfortable. I pulled back my h/c hair into a ponytail and sighed softly. (sorry if you have too short of hair to pull it into a ponytail)

When I entered the room, I saw a whole bunch of people that I was familiar with and then there was another man, dirty blonde hair that was swept over his emerald eyes. I felt my heart thud more in my chest. I calmed myself down and begun to discuss and recite the script with the other cast members. When he spoke, my head felt fuzzy... His voice was beautiful and so posh! I loved it, but, he spoke when Romeo was supposed to speak... I stopped cold when I realized that; I WAS SUPPOSED TO KISS THIS GUY ON STAGE! I internally panicked as I tried to rush through my lines. He seemed to have noticed this, for after we rehearsed, he approached me.

" Excuse me, are you alright? " He asked me, a worried look on his perfect face. I responded, flustered, of course. " T-totally..fine. AHAHA-- " I felt my face go red, my hands trembling and my hair falling out of place. He frowned at me. " Well, I should hope so... Anyways, I just wanted to say that I'm excited to w— " He was cut off by his seemingly gay friend running to him, along with another boy with dirty blonde hair. " HEY DUDE, COME ON--- " The British man growled as he was being dragged out of the room by his friends; he managed to yell out to me: " MY NAME IS ARTHUR BY THE WAY---.. " Then he was dragged out and the door slammed... I just blinked and slowly but surely ran- I mean, walked out of the room.


After a few weeks, we had to go on stage to rehearse. This was the most nerve-racking for me because today we had to do the infamous balcony scene; ... wHYYYYY... My heart was beating hard in my chest as I clamored on stage with my hands shaking with fear. Arthur saw me and handed over a water bottle as the gentleman he is and smiled. After a bit of conversation, we got into position with the props and such. I walked up to the fake balcony thing and took a deep breath.

He stands and faces the 'crowd' and begins his first monologue and then I begin to speak.

" O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou?

Deny thy, refuse thy name;

Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love. "

We continue along until it's time for the kiss. His voice draws me in, his emerald eyes were dragging my attention to his face. Without a moment to lose, our lips crush into each other; it was warm, sweet and pleasant. I feel my face flush up as we kiss. Maybe, I don't mind being kissed by him now.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2019 ⏰

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