Chapter 4

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Present time: 3 weeks later
It's been a few weeks since I'd started at Radford's. It's been fairly uneventful, besides for me constantly stealing glances at my mate. I've pretty much avoided him for most of my time here, acknowledging his schedule that sits on his desk: I now know when to be in the dorm or out wtb Ceilie, who tends to come over often to check out the cute humans living with me.

Right now, I'm waiting for him in my dorm, praying to my ancestors that he'd bring the reversal potion from the warlocks. At last he arrived, climbing through the window, a grin etched on his face.
"Hey darling, I brought the goods!" He basically screams. I cover his mouth with my hand, which he immediately licks, contaminating my skin with his germs.
"Ceilie!" I scream, wiping my hand on my jeans. "Your disgusting!" And with that, he clutches his stomach, laughter filling the room. I slap him over the head, hoping he'd stop, which he doesn't. "Screw you!"
"Ok, ok, I'm stopping,. Here." He gives me the potion which I gladly take and gulp down. Within seconds, I'm back to my normal self. I glance in the mirror, my hair stopping above my shoulders in soft curls, my blond streaks more vibrant than before. My mood instantly brightens as I turn towards the bathroom, an oversized hoodie and shorts in my hand.
"Jamie, hurry up, I'm missing out on the cuties here!"
"I'm coming, I'm coming!" I walk out into the room, and am immediately engulfed in Ceilie's arms.
"Gosh, I've missed seeing you like this, keeps me from checking you out." He winks and I laugh out loud.

We leave the dorms and head towards the exits and to Ceilie's car. Today we're going to the shops, in hopes of getting me new clothes, seeing as Ceilie's are fairly big for my petit frame. So far we've hit every store, my arms carrying more bags that humanly possible and my feet aching.
"You wanna eat?" Ceilie asks, looking up from his phone and looking me up and down, seeing my exhausted state.
"Yes, anything meat!" I scream, gaining a few weird looks from the by-passers. I run towards the food court at full speed and that's when it happened, I dropped one of my shopping bags in front of me, my right leg hooking on it, sending me flying to the ground... a very soft ground? I look up, only to see the greenest pair of eyes I'd ever seen, shit! I open my mouth, but immediately close it, unable to speak. Abort mission Jamie, run! But I can't, a strong pair of arms around my waist stopping me from moving.
"Ummm," I try, looking at his hands glued to my waist in hopes that he'd get the hint and move them away.
"Right, sorry about that," he says, a smirk gracing his face. "I'm Cole, Cole Marshall, maybe you've heard of me?"
"Huh, modest much," I chuckle, seeing a genuine smile appear on his face, but only for a mere second before it's gone and in its place, a smirk.
"You know, you look like someone I know," Oh shoot, he knows, my life's over. Please let the ground swallow me whole.
"Really, who exactly do I look like?" I ask, hoping to sound confident but failing miserably.
"My future girlfriend." He states and I laugh at the irony. He smiles at me, and I feel butterflies in my stomach.
"Maybe, just maybe." I wink before sauntering off, towards Ceilie who's waiting for me with my food.
"Come on," I say to him, "He'll be home soon and you still have to give me my potion."
"I'm sorry my sweet,  but I have a date with Nick, here's your guy drink. Til next time my little pup." He pats my head before leaving as I growl at his retreating back. Urgh, nymphs, so damn annoying!

I have way too much energy now, my hands twitching with anxiousness and my head pounding with adrenaline. I can't control this for long, I think. My whole body felt as if it was on fire. I have to get out of here! I sprint out the mall and towards the woods. My feet hitting the ground so fast, I hear the Earth shake.
"Not yet," I growl, to no one in particular, "Not now!"
I feel a pain in my mouth, I lift my hand to feel for my teeth, God no! I retract my hand, a sharp pain surging through my finger, where my teeth pierced it. Hair begins to sprout on my hands, as dark as the night. I search for a river, a puddle even, anything to see my reflection. At last I find on, and look at myself.
"Shit!" I scream, hitting the water. My eyes, they're red! This isn't good.
I hear a faint scream in the distance, causing my ears to perk up. I turn around, ever so slowly, afraid I'd lose control completely; I have to hide, NOW! I go behind a few trees and hope they don't see me. I hear a sudden cry for help, my ears ringing from the high-pitched noise. The smell of blood lingers, she must be injured, afraid, helpless...vulnerable.
"Do it," a voice says from behind me, "Do it!" It grows louder. I turn to see nothing, nothing but the darkness that surrounds me. Another scream. I snap my head back to the woman.
"I'm so sorry." I whisper, it barely heard over the harsh winds. And with that, I transform fully, pouncing on the woman, leaving any shred human inside me behind.
I walk back to the dorm, back to my new life, in my new body. Tears streaming down my face as images of the woman enter my mind. I clutch my hands in front of my chest. I feel sick as I shake, not from the winter weather but from fear, from the fear that I'm losing myself to the beast.
"What have I done?" I scream once inside the room. I look in the bathroom mirror, only to see a monster before me.
"You can't lose control again, got it?" I say, as if I'm talking to the beast, not myself, "You just can't!" And with that, I punch the mirror, causing my knuckles to bleed, but I don't care, I deserve the pain, the guilt and the misery, after all, I'll heal, but she won't. I turn to face to mirror, looking towards the forest where I once found peace.
"What are you going to do tomorrow? You can't control it!" I step backwards, my back coming in contact with the cold wall. I slide down it, until I'm sitting on the broken glass that crunches beneath me. I take a shard of it, and hold it near my wrist.
"Everything will be fine tomorrow," I whisper to myself, "It'll just put me to sleep for awhile.'
And with that, my vision blues to nothing but darkness, my mind replaying the events of today, her screams for help, the scent of her blood, and the worst part is, it felt so natural, as if I was born to cause misery to those around me.

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