A new beginning

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Hey, guys welcome to my story if you any suggestions for my story then comment down below don't be shy just do it! Now let's get into the story.


Harry's point of view:

Harry just defeated the most powerful dark wizard that has ever walked on earth, Lord Voldemort. Harry looked around at saw all the people who had died fighting for him that included Tonks, Remus, Fred and Severus Snape and many others who had been fighting for him. Harry walked in the remaining part of what was left of the great hall. Harry looked around at all the people who were sitting at the bench talking together. Harry thought what they were talking, but quickly left that thought when he saw Ginnerva Molly Weasley the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Harry tried to talk over to her, but then he heard a voice "Harry!" Harry turned around and saw that it was Hagrid "Hagrid! So good to see you!" "It good to see you to Harry, and thanks to Harry you saved the world from Voldemort I can't imagine a world where Voldemort would reign the only thing I know is that it would have been a dark world where there would have been no Muggle-borns well thanks for the talk I need to go to my hut I have some things to do" Harry watches Hagrid leave and tries to go over to Ginny but get stopped again by Ron "Harry can I talk with you quick" Ron asks nervous "of course you can" says Harry. Ron takes a breath and says "Harry can you please stay away from my sister? Harry gets confused by Ron's comment "Why?" Harry says confused. Ron takes a breath and says "I just don't want you to hurt my sister" Harry gets even more confused by that comment and looks at Ron "Why do you think I would hurt your sister? Ron's eyes are looking right at Harry's eyes and Harry waits for Ron's next comment. "When you broke up with her... you broke her heart!" Harry looks at Ron in shock " Ron.... please let me explain...." Harry gets cut off by Ron "Stay away from her! You only damage to my family, Harry! Just look at Geroge who lost his ear because of you, and look at Fred who died tonight all because of you! Harry looks at Ron and then Harry could feel a tear dropping down from his eyes. Harry looks at Ron and apparatus away. When Harry arrived at his location he could feel a new beginning for himself a beginning that will change his life forever.


That was all for chapter one I hoped you guys enjoyed it the next chapter will be up soon.

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