Prince Charming - Meeting Jaidon

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'This is depressing.'

Ariana thought to herself bitterly as she sat alone, dressed as a princess, and watched as everyone around her had a good time. She was at a Halloween party with her step sister, and usually Halloween was her favorite holiday, but tonight she just wasn't in the mood. She sighed and placed her chin in the palm of her hand, enviously watching the couples around her.

Her sister Miley came up to her, dressed as a butterfly. "Ari, you sure you don't wanna dance?" She asked, taking a sip out of her red solo cup.

Ariana shook her head, looking up at her. "Nah." She smiled. "Thanks though. I might just head home soon."

Miley sighed with a nod. "Alright.. I'll see you at home." She turned to her boyfriend and smiled, taking his hand. "Let's go Zac."

Zac glanced at Ariana as he was dragged away. He wrapped an arm around Miley and kissed her temple. "Is she going to be okay?"

Miley snaked her arm around his waist and smiled at him, loving how caring he was. "Yeah she'll be fine. Nathan broke up with her, that's why she's so down."

Zac frowned. "Oh.."

Ariana sighed to herself when they walked away and tucked her hair behind her ear.

"Would the lady like to dance?" A tall brunette held his hand out in front of her, his brown eyes shimmering.

Ariana looked up in surprise, studying the boy. He had brown shaggy hair, big brown eyes, two freckles under his left eye, a contagious goofy smile, and he had an Australian accent. He was gorgeously perfect. And he was dressed as a prince. How coincidental. How could she say no?

She slowly smiled back at him. "She would." She took his hand and stood up, allowing him to lead her to the dance floor. "I'm Ariana. But everyone calls me Ari." They stopped in the middle of the dance floor as a slow song started, which caused her to blush when he pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her waist. "And you?" She asked, wrapping her arms around his neck.

The mysterious prince smiled, locking his hands behind her back. "Jaidon Brooks. Everyone calls me Jai." He chuckled. "Except my brothers, who call me Jaidy. My parents hate that."

Ariana giggled with him. "You're funny." She smiled. "How come I've never seen you? Do you go to Pinecrest?"

Jai hesitated for a moment, clearing his throat. "Uh, no. I got to uhm.." 'please let me be right..' "Churchill." He smiled sweetly.

"Oh." Ariana replied in surprise. "Then what are you doing all the way down here? Churchill is like.. On the other side of town." 'God his eyes are gorgeous..'

He chuckled, rubbing her lower back. "I'm here for my brother. His girlfriend goes to your school and my mother wouldn't let him go without me or our older brother." He smiled in triumph at how quickly he was coming up with these lies.

Ariana smiled, looking into his eyes. "Oh."

Miley and Zac were dancing next to them when Miley noticed him. She took her head off her boyfriends chest to whisper to her sister into her ear. "Ari, who is that?"

Ariana snapped out of her little daydream and turned her head to the left to be met with her sisters big curious blue eyes. She flinched back in surprise before leaning back in to whisper in her ear. "His name is Jaidon, he goes to Churchill."

Miley smiled in approval and nodded, turning her attention back to her boyfriend, leaning up and giving him a kiss, mumbling. "Let's go somewhere more private."

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