Prince Charming - He's a what?!

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Later that day, Miley was hanging out with Zac in their den, cuddled into his side on her laptop while he watched a movie. She was curious about this Jai guy so after getting his full name from Ariana, she decided to google him.

Zac peered at the computer screen curiously. "What are you doing exactly?"

"Googling the guy from yesterday.. He seemed sort of sketchy." She mumbled, opening an article. She skimmed it, not reading all of it but what she did read left her speechless. After what seemed like an eternity, she screamed loudly. "ARRRRIIIIII!!" She jumped off the couch and ran out to find her sister, leaving her confused and worried boyfriend to run after her. Again.

Ariana practically dropped the bowl of popcorn she was holding, about to go to the den to join them. "What?" She asked in shock, watching as the two slid into the kitchen.

"HES A PRINCE!" Miley screamed, forcefully placing the computer onto the counter and spinning it to face her confused step sister. "Did you know he was a prince?!"


"Jai! He's a prince! Did you know he was a prince?!" Miley repeated.

Ariana rolled her eyes and looked at the laptop. "He is not a--" Her eyes widened when she saw the article. "Oh my GOD! He's a prince!" She screamed.

"OhmyGod, ohmyGod. I cannot believe you're dating a prince!"

"I am not dating a prince Miley!"

While the two bickered back and forth, Zac quietly took the laptop and began reading the article on his own.

"Oh yeah? Then what do you--" Before Miley could finish her sentence, a gang of police officers barged into their house and grabbed the three of them.

"You three are under arrest for keeping Prince Jaidon Brooks in captivity." A particularly old officer grumbled as he forced Ariana's hands behind her back and handcuffed her, before he read all three of them their rights. The three teenagers stayed frozen in silence, the girls silently crying.


"Okay, for the last time, we have no idea where your prince is!" Ariana cried a while later as they were being questioned in what seemed to be Jai's kingdom.

"Look, we have proof you three were with him last night." A much younger, and better looking officer argued, pulling up a photo of the group with Jai next to Ariana's car, where her license plate number was in full view. Miley was sitting in the front seat giggling, Zac was getting into the backseat and Ariana was hugging Jai goodbye.

Ariana's jaw dropped in shock. "Where did you get that?!" She cried out.

Miley looked at the picture and shook her head, leaning over and whispering to her sister. "Oh, good job Ari. Your stupid horny horemones got us into this mess."

Ariana turned and glared at her menacingly. "Will you please shut up?" She snapped.

Miley immediately shut up and leaned back in her seat, smiling at Zac when he took her hand to comfort her. She squeezed his in thanks, resting her head on his shoulder.

Ariana turned back to the officer, pleading with him. "Look, officer, I'm so sorry, but he left my house early this morning and we haven't seen him since."

The officer, obviously thinking they were lying to him, sighed and shook his head. "I hate to do this. But since you're refusing to tell me where he is, I'm going to have to put you three in the kingdoms prison."

Miley and Ariana stared at him in shock, their jaws on the ground. "What?!"

Zac sighed to himself, pinching the bridge of his nose. He knew dating Miley was going to be a handful, but he didn't think it was going to be this hard. But, one look at her and he knew he would never trade her for anything in the world.

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