The Wedding Aftermath Cat Fight

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Narrator: Everyone was still at the wedding parties at The Teen Gang's house, after both wedding bouquets were thrown and the lucky ones that caught them, Scrat and Drag, looks like there's another two weddings coming up! Anyways, everyone was having a great time at the party, except for Polie's Ex-girlfriend Polisa, she definitely has a few words to say about her old boyfriend about him getting married to a male, especially if it's a male hedgehog, and she was definitely not happy about it, at all.

Fluffy: (floats over to the three furries) Soo?! How are you three lovers Jinnadow and Poliadow liking this big wedding party?! Hmm?! Just another job well done by yours truly, the best party thrower in all of Teensville City ever! No need to thank me, I'm just doing my job! Welp! I've got some more guests to entertain! I'll see you couples later! Bye bye! Weee! (files off somewhere fast again) Shadow: (looks at Polie with a wired face, holding a glass of punch) Like I said before, your little sister is really wacko. Polie: (chuckles) Jinny: (agrees with him) Ditto on that one dude. Polie: (looks at them and smiles softly) Polisa: (behind Polie and taps his shoulder and has a rich, snobby voice) Ahem, Polie? Polie: (feels his shoulder get tapped then turns around and sees his ex-girlfriend Polisa standing behind him) Hm? Oh! (not too happy to see her again face) Hi again, Polisa.. It's been a while. Polisa: (holding a glass of the finest wine, gives him a very sceptical look) Yes, correct, indeed it has. And your looking very well since you left the Arctic I might add. Polie: (looks at the nice dress she's wearing) Yes, and looking.. Very rich today. (thinks to himself) Bet that dress must've cost them a fortune. Polisa: (nods her head) Why thank you, it's just another fancy dress to add to my numerous collection. Polie: (rolls his eyes sarcastically) Typical, these rich cats will never change. (takes a sip of punch) Polisa: (looks at him but also looks at his husband closely) So.. I see that your married now, how quaint. Polie: (drinks a sip of punch, then looks at her) Yeah, I am married now. (smiles and blushes slightly thinking a lot) Married to the hedgehog of my dreams. (smiles more happier than before, but then snaps out of it and looks at her again) Oh! But uhh... Heh, heh.. Is that great?! (laughs nervously a little) Polisa: (thinking and moves her with the glass around) Hmm?... Well, if you really want my most honest and best opinion about this?... Polie: (thinks to himself again, smiling) Yes! She's finally gonna say something positive! Polisa: (gives him a very mean and somewhat mad stare and very not pleased face) Your relationship with that hedgehog, is absolutely disgusting and un-normal.

Polie: (surprised face and spits out some of his punch and then looks at her with a shocked and mad face whipping his mouth) WHAT?! Everyfurry: (turns around and looks at them, chattering stops and some have surprised looks) Polisa: (crosses her arms and looks away from him in a snobby, rich way) That's right, I said it, and I'm not taking back what I said either. Because it's a fact, your love for each other is absolutely the wrist and most ugliest inter-species thing that I ever witnessed in my entire life, I knew you should have just stayed in the Arctic where you belong, then you'll be able to love me forever, and things will finally be normal again. Polie: (starts to get really mad and starts pointing at her) Facts?! It's disgusting?! And what do you know about true love, Polisa?! NOTHING! Not even your damned parents care about love! All you three really care about is riches, money, and power! Polisa: (raised eyebrow look at him) Oh really?!... Polie: (tries to mock her) Yeah really!...

Shadow: (in the kitchen over by the punch bowl and looks back at the living room, getting a little worried) Uh oh, this doesn't sound good. Jinny: (standing next to him, and looks at him, thinking the same thing) We better go stop them before things get any worse. Shadow: (nods his head in agreement) Both: (drink their punches fast, put their cups down and run over to where Polie and Polisa are in the living room) Polisa: (suggestions face with a smile smirk) You'd look so much better in my family, you'd fit right in. Polie: (yells and keeps pointing at her) Bullshit! I'd probably be much living with a pack of Lycans than being a rich snob princess like you! Polisa: (looks confused, almost laughing at him) You would rather live with a pack of wired named dogs? Ha! Oh that would just make you even filthier than you are already! Which would make you even more disgusting.. And if you and that hedge bush ever have children? Oh! The furry population would have a huge fit. These same words I've said also go towards that pink, pretty girl. Ugh, really ugly in truth. Polie: (starts getting really mad, makes his paws into fists and starts shaking them, gritting his teeth, says quietly) At least we have a fiancè who loves us. Polisa: (scoffs and waves her paw in a sassy way) Oh please, a creature like him doesn't really belong here, he doesn't even how to love anyone, but death and destruction, he's nothing.. Compared to me.. Polie: (goes ghost and files towards her, really angry now) SHUT UP! (tackles her and gets ready to punch her, and decides to do it) MEOW!!

Shadow: (tries to grab him and hold him back, yells at him to stop) POLIE?! Polie stop! We get, we're mad at her too, but you've gotta stop! Enough! (keeps trying to pull him back) Polie: (gives her a scratch for good measure, about to do more, but then gets pulled back, turns back to normal and breathing out heavily) Huff. Huff. Huff. Huff. Shadow: (then kneels down and hugs him tightly, eyes closed) It's okay now, Polie. You've avenged me, yourself, and Jinny. You did good, baby. (kisses his cheek and smiles softly) I Love you, Poliekun. Jinny: (kneels down to them and hugs him as well, smiles) Thanks, big brother. I wanted to do that to her for a long while, but you did it for both of us, and that scar proves it, so thank you. Thank you. Polie: (smiles softly and lightly hugs them back) Haa.. Haa.. Haa..

Polisa: (grunting in pain and then stands up and holds her left eye) Augh!! My eye! Ooh! You will pay for this! You hear me?! My father will most likely have the humans kill you all! Jinny: (looks up at her, still mad) Shut the fuck up, Polisa!.. Shadow: (looks up at her too, still mad as well) And get out and stay out of our house!.. Polie: (lifts up his right arm and weakly points to the front door) Polisa: (gives them all a death glare) I hope you're kids die and you get divorced... (starts running towards the door and then runs away outside, shouting) But one of these days I'll be back, and when I do... I'll kill you three and your ugly kittens! All Three Furries and Everyone Else: (just stares at the front door, stunned, shocked, surprised and can't believe it, some scared and jaw dropped) .....

Every other guest just stood there, they didn't know what to say about this, not even Polie's parents said anything, just looked at each other with worried faces. But while Fluffy tried to get the fun back in the party, Jinny hold on tight to Shadow, worrying about the safety of all their future families. Shadow wasn't as worried about it, but he was really determined to get rid of anyone that tried to take away his happiness. But Polie was too tired to be so worried, he just passed out while still being in Shadow's arms.

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