Maybe He Likes Me Back....Just Maybe

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(A/n: In this imagine, none of the boys are famous. They are still friends but not famous. They're regular kiddos. Okay bye.)

"UGHH GIVE ME MY PHONE BACK!!" I yell at Chris as he runs through the house with my computer in his hand.
"NEVER! I WILL ONLY GIVE IT BACK IF YOU TELL ME WHO YOU LIKE!!" He yells back at me. I told him I liked someone from his friend group and he hasn't looked at me the same way since. Him, his friends and I all live in the same house. He continues running down the hallway with my phone until I stopped running because I gave up.
"Keep the fucking phone because I ain't telling you, bitch!" I yell at him while he stops running too. All his friends let out an "ooh" when I said that. Chris was embarrassed, but I didn't care. I storm off to my room and slam the door.

Chris POV:
I look down at her phone. My friends were telling me to go talk to her so I ran to her room. I open the door and see her watching tv. She looks at me, rolls her eyes and continues to watch TV.
"Y/n?" I ask her. She doesn't respond to me.
"Look y/n, I'm sorry about your phone. I really just want to know who you like. If it really makes you happy, I'll give you your phone back and you don't have to tell me who you like." I say pleading with her.

Y/n POV: I don't say anything to him. I hated him for what he did, but I'm in live with him. If he found out that I liked him, he probably wouldn't talk to me.
"Please say something, y/n." He said with puppy eyes.
"You." Is all I say as I get up to get my phone from me.
"You what?" He asked confused.
"Put the pieces together." I say to him going back to my bed. He was thinking for what seemed like an eternity but it was only for a few seconds.
"You" He said coming towards me I nod at him.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I was honestly scared you didn't feel the same way, which you probably don't." I say almost tearing up.
"Y/n, I like you too. I've been afraid to tell you because I thought you liked one if my friends." He says facing me towards him.
"I-" I say as I was cut off by Chris pressing his lips on mine.

(Smut starts here)
He kissed me slowly. I slightly moan as he puts his hands up my shirt. I lay back and starts kissing my neck. I moan slightly louder as he leaves marks and hickeys on my neck. He puts his hands on my jeans and unbuttons them. He pulls the off, throws them across the room and takes my shirt off. I takes his shirt off and pants off while he comes up to kiss me. He rubs my womanhood and I moan his name as he starts kissing my necks again. He rubs faster and I feel my stomach tightening up. I release on his fingertips and he licks them clean. He takes his boxers off and looks up at me.
"You ready?" He asked me. I nod. He slowly starts inserting himself into me, making me moan loudly. He lets me a just to his size and slowly starts going in and out.
"Mmm Chris. G-go f-faster." I moan to him. He goes faster, making me go crazy. I dig my nails into his back, leaving scratch marks all over. I feel my stomach getting tight again.
"I-I'm close." I say to him.
"Me too." He says breathing heavily. I release on him and he pulls out to release on my chest. He plops down beside me and looks me in the eyes.
"That was amazing." He says smiling.
"It was. Can you get me a towel please? I currently have your children all over my chest." I say smiling sarcastically. He laughs to the point where his face turns tomato red. He then gets up and gets a towel and hands it to me. I wipe my chest off clean put my head on his shoulder as we fall fast asleep.
The end.

(A/n: What's up kiddos?! *gives out holy water* I hope you enjoyed this story! My fingers hurt again so toodles!!!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2019 ⏰

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