Secret meeting in the woods

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We were sitting on the grass of some lost part of the Mewni forest.
-So, I asked, how old are you ?
Toffee smirked.
-Have I told you I was immortal, Moon ? I'm way older than you could ever think.
-Well you still look young, I replied.
-I will never get old like you mewmans do. If I ever die, I'll die with the same face I have now, no white hair or riddles on.
-I'm jealous now.
He laughed lightly.
-And you, your highness, what's your age ?
-I'm turning eighteen by the end of the month.
-Oh you'll eventually be legal, he responded sarcastically.
-Stop it, you stupid lizard ! I laughed, pretending being hurt.
A light peace set between us. I could hear the wind singing between the trees. Summer was finally coming, after a spring as tough as our winter had been. Mewmans were already celebrating the arrival of the summer because the two lasts seasons had caused quite a huge poverty to set in the streets of Mewni.
-You know, Moon, Toffee said, I don't think it's a good idea for us to see each other...
-Why are you saying such a thing ? I mean, we're not seeing each other as friends, right? We're enemies, why couldn't we talk as enemies ?
He thought for a few seconds.
-You're right, princess.
He didn't seem really convinced. Even I didn't believe in what I just said.
-I should go back to see my troops, we never know, perhaps monsters will attack Mewni soon.
He was smiling. I couldn't explain the small pain that started growing in my stomach as I smiled back.
-Yeah we never know, but you better be there when they do, I would not appreciate it if my favourite punchball wasn't there, I mocked.
He stood up, cleaning softly his armor. I hated the two cranes on his shoulders, they reminded me of people of my family, I don't know why.
He took my hand, kissing it slowly. I violently blushed.
-Good bye, your highness.
-Good bye, stupid monster.
I offered him a mocking smile and he gave it back to me. Then he left, leaving me all alone in the woods. I thought he was right. It was not a good idea that we were seeig each other. Because I was starting to like him. Obviously we were getting too close. I appreciated his company. And I couldn't be friend with a monster. Especially not him.

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