The day before the incident

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(Miles pov)
It was a regular old day at the house. It was the day before my birthday and I couldn't wait. I was up in my room playing video games then my little brothe,Jackson, walks in.
"Hay can I play?"
"No it's a one player game. Go away"
"Uuggghhh your no fun" *walks out of room*
*mumbles under breath* "thank God he's gone" *goes back to playing video game*
"Ugh I'm tired" * pauses game and lays down on bed and falls asleep*
*2 hours later*
*mom walks in* "miles wake up. It's time for dinner"
"Uuughhh ok" *gets up and gose downstairs and sits at table and eats*
*gets done and gose back upstairs and gose back to video game*
*3 hours go by*
"Wow it almost 9 PM." *gets a call from red*(His crush)
"Oh hay eddie"
"Hay tall ass"
*they talk until thay both fall asleep on the phone*

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