bonus four » 12.1

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I can remember the first time I ever walked across a stage, the memory of it still clear in my mind as if it happened yesterday. I was two years old and Rock Salt was on their third worldwide tour. They brought all of us onto stage in front of twenty-one thousand people, and maybe I was too young then to understand how many people that was but I'm feeling it now in front of less than two thousand. All of them anxiously awaiting the newest graduating class to walk across stage.

In maybe the hardest year of my life, I finally did it. I graduated high school and my family's out there, waiting to watch me receive my diploma. It feels like a sweet reward for all the work I put in this last year, but that's not what made my year hard. It wasn't the exams, or the final days walking the halls of the school. It was hard because it pushed me.

To be better, to be more and fight for the things I want. And I did, like hell.

I worked hard to make everything run as smoothly as they could, and sure, we might have run into some road bumps along the way. I may have lost my mind a couple of times, but when I step up on the edge of the stage, ready to be the next person called I spot him in the crowd and can't help but grin to myself. Long distance is hard, and six hours may seem like nothing to some people but it's definitely work.

And we figured it out.

"Stevie Alexander," the announcer calls my name and my chest floods with nervous energy as I walk towards my principal and vice principal. The eruption of cheers coming from the crowd bringing a smile to my face as I spot my brothers up on their feet, hollering in tradition. The same way we did the first time for Greyson, and then for Riker and Isaac last year.

"Go Stevie!" I hear Greyson yell from the stands, his hands cupped over his mouth to elevate his voice. I shake my head as I stop for the professional photo, grinning at the camera. As I walk back to my seat, I stop to stick my tongue out at my brothers as I settle back down.

As each of my friends walk on stage to receive their diplomas, screams erupt from our families in celebration and before I know it – the ceremony is over and done with. My eyes quickly glancing around the football field for my family, spotting Felix talking to Coach Davidson near the stands.

"Felix!" I shout as I run over to him with my open graduation gown flying behind me, allowing me to move freely.

"There's my girl," Felix grins as he turns towards the sound of my voice, opening his arms for me. "That wasn't so bad, was it?" He asks when he sets me back down on his feet.

"It was okay," I tease before grinning. "Hi Coach."

"Hi Stevie," he smiles in return. "Congratulations."

"Thank you! Are you going to miss me? You aren't going to have any more Alexander's around to bother you," I laugh lightly.

"I'll manage," he chuckles. "Besides, I ended it off with my favorite."

A snicker leaves my lips, "We all know Greyson was your favorite, but nice try."

"Second favorite?"

"I'll take it," I laugh, ecstatic about finally being done with high school and the future ahead of me. Ahead of both of us.

He nods his head, his eyes flickering back to Felix. "I'm glad the two of you worked out."

"Me too," Felix nods and I arch my eyebrow in his direction as Coach wanders off to say his goodbyes to other students. "What?" He asks when he catches the look on my face.

"What was that about?" I question.

"He gave me some advice last year about you."

"Oh?" I hum. "Who knew Coach was good for relationships and football?"

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