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To what readers who don't read XPLR, my most popular story gave its last chapter Saturday June 1. I was very preoccupied with writing that story that I neglected this one, and for that I'm sorry. A new story is to be posted tomorrow: the debut of "The Deaf and a Bachelor", a Brendon Urie Fan fiction. Keep your eyes peeled!

Robert left that evening, and the whole time Sam was watching him as if Robert was the evil man with the cynical agenda.

For example, I would be sitting next to Sam, doing whatever, and the second Robert entered the room, Sam would move closer to me, rest his arm behind my seat, etc.. He was always sure to keep himself in between us. And I'm not the kind of girl to "fantasize" but when a guy does that, how can younot swoon in the slightest?

"Thank you," I said to Robert, as he handed me an extra fifty dollar bill for my "troubles". Then he left, but he just walked down the street. "I'm going to go follow him," Sam said, and I rolled my eyes and grabbed his arm before he could go anywhere. "Stop being crazy. It's fine."

He looked back at me and grumbled something under his breath, before he turned away. "Come on," he said as he slid his hand down and took it, and he started to pull me to the dining room/kitchen-with-a-table-in-the-middle.

"I have to tell you something," he said as he sat down, next to me, and opened his lap top. He sat back and took a sip of his tea, before he swallowed a second time, but this time it was more of a nervous gulp. "Okay. Go on," I said, raising my eyebrows.

"I'm not actually a "paranormal investigator". I mean, I am, but... I'm a YouTuber, too," he said. He said it like he just told me he was a wanted criminal. With the way he was acting, that's almost what I expected him to tell me. "I know," I said. His eyes widened a bit. "Wait? You know?" He asked, "How?"

"I looked your name up when you said you're a paranormal investigator. I thought you might have articles or something. 3 million subscribers, Sam? Why wouldn't you tell me about that?" I asked.

"I... I didn't want you to think I wasn't serious. I am serious. Colby moved off to be with his girlfriend, and nothing's been the same. I'm trying to keep the channel together, but it's hard without him."

"Who's his girlfriend?" I asked. "Does that matter?" He retorted, scoffing. "Yeah," I shrugged. He rolled his eyes and said, "Her name is Rose Romano. And she was super pretty and super talented."

I smirked, watching him. "You're jealous!" I said.

He looked at me, wide eyes. "What?"

"You liked her."

"Rose? No, I never liked Rose. From the moment we met her, Colby was always making sure we didn't make any moves towards her, he loved her from the moment he saw her, and he'd tell you that. Plus... I was still dating Katrina then... (his voice lowers, just as he looks away) and I loved her."

I paused, and I gently put a hand on his shoulder and rubbed it. He looked over at me, and he leaned on his hand. "I'm sorry about that," I said, "I... forgot about her. I shouldn't have brought her up."

"Don't apologize," he said, looking up and out the window across from us. I moved my hand away from him, and he looked over at me, "It... feels kind of good, talking about her. It was May when she broke up with me, and it was May when my best friend and brother of countless years was moving across the country from me, and everything we had worked to build was going to change, and possibly fall apart. So... I didn't really talk about it. I think Colby even knows she and I broke up. He's so happy in New York, and he just hasn't asked about her. The first time I'd seen him outside of phone calls was for the impromptu wedding he and Rose had at the court house. It fit them perfectly."

I think this is the most words he's said to me in one minute.

He looked over at me, right in my eyes, and smiled. "It was really sweet, really romantic. And seeing them two together, I didn't mind him moving as far away so much."

I smiled at him. "That's great, Sam. I'm glad you have someone you can be so close to."

"Despite being almost three thousand miles apart," he smiled.

"Ah, ah, ah. You're in Arkansas now, that's like... 1300 miles."

He smiled, nodding. "Yeah. That still seems pretty far away. But at least he's not.. dead."

"Or missing," I retorted, with a snort. An awkward silence fell over us. "What? It feels good to talk about him too."

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