1. Beauty In Cruelty

53 11 14


Unknown to them are the real beauties

in the everyday news of cruelty.

The beauty of endurance is there

in the everyday wound given to her.

The beauty of living life with pride,

is there in face burnt by an acid attack in the light.

The beauty of rising high with confidence

after getting under the railway to escape the same life.

The beauty of her dark scars

showing her survival after being victimized.

The beauty of stepping high towards the dreams

instead of falling in someone's trap, luring her to get married.

The beauty of finding the one in life

after getting used like tissue many times.

The beauty of living life as her wish

after all the years that passed under their influence.

The beauty of self-appreciation

when all went against her decision.

The beauty of standing out of crowd

after being labeled worthless due to her uniqueness.

Beauty is there in all the worst of life

Just need a thorough study of your own life.

Date:29th May 2019


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