Hotter Than the Coffee

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A/N: Hello again my lovelies! As promised, I'm starting a romance story for a change. Of course, this isn't my forte so I'm especially open to tips, feedback, and criticism for this story. Despite my inexperience, I hope you all enjoy. Also, I'd like to open kind of a Q/A type thing so if you have any questions about life, me as a person, my writing, or literally anything else just drop it in the comments below and I'll answer in my next author's note of the story you post the question on. Thanks for bearing with me while I learn and try new things! You're all so amazing and I love you all.

Also, I'm sorry it took me so long to start this story, I've had a lot going on lately and very little motivation but a friend of mine finally gave me a reason to write again. I hope you all enjoy it.


My muscles almost immediately relaxed as I inhaled the familiar scent of the coffee shop. It truly was my happy place. The moment I opened the door my stress melted away and I felt safe and relaxed. I adjusted my bag on my shoulder and stepped up to the empty counter warily. There was normally somebody there. It was usually Katie or Samantha but-

An unfamiliar man stepped through the doorway and my face immediately heated. I couldn't help but gape at his tall, muscular frame. He wasn't exactly "ripped" but the sleeves of his forest green t-shirt seemed tight on his biceps. His hair was brown and slightly messy. My heart pounded against my ribcage and slowly made its way up my throat as he approached the counter. The deep emerald pools of his eyes made my knees weak.

"Sorry, it's my first day." As he spoke, I couldn't help but notice how contagious his lopsided grin was. I giggled a little. A felt a blush creeping across my cheeks as I began to stammer.

"First days are no fun, huh? I'll just take my usual." He chuckled and the depth of his voice sent chills down my spine.

"I have a feeling if every customer is anything like you, I'll be enjoying this job very much. But uhm, I wouldn't know your usual, as it is my first day." My mind started running even faster than it already had been. Was he flirting with me? What did he mean by that? Wait he doesn't know my usual. Shit, what did I come here for again? Why is he looking at me like that? Probably because I'm standing here sweating and giggling like a psychopath! I opened my mouth to speak but it felt like there was a weight in my throat.

"I usually get a cappuccino and banana nut bread muffin." I exhaled a deep sigh of relief. Speaking had never been so difficult. I felt as if I was giving a presentation to the entire class back in middle school. I pulled out a $10 and put it on the counter.

"You can keep the change-"

"What's your name?" The simple question made my heart jolt. My name? What was my name? Why would he want to know? Did he like me? Then I noticed he was holding a sharpie and a to-go cup.

"How'd you know I wanted it to go?"

"You seem too nervous to sit and stay here a while. Am I wrong?"

"No, you're not wrong. My name is Mae with an e. M-A-E." We both chuckled a bit and he gestured to a nearby table.

"You can sit there while you wait. I'll have your order ready shortly, Mae with an e." I couldn't help but giggle as I walked over to the table and took a seat. I watched him quietly as he worked, getting lost in a daze. His messy brown hair seemed to dance a little as he walked. I watched the way he tapped his fingers against the countertop as he waited for my drink to brew.

I began to wonder what was going through his mind. Did he like me back? Did he think I was cute? Suddenly those stunning emerald eyes locked with mine once more. He had a small back in one hand and a cup in the other. A faint blush colored his cheeks and I giggled a little. I couldn't help but hope I was the reason he was blushing. Maybe it was the steaming hot coffee though. I took the two items and smiled at him one last time. I was disappointed that our hands hadn't brushed when I'd grabbed my order and I really didn't want to go but I didn't know what I could say. So I turned around and walked out the door, my heart still racing.

I got into my car and looked down at the small cup. It only took one sip of the coffee to know it somehow tasted a little sweeter when he made it. That's when I noticed the writing on the cup.

"Mae I get to know you better?" There was a phone number scribbled beneath the pun. I squealed in excitement and wiggled. I must've gotten a lot a bit too excited because I found myself just moments later covered in steaming coffee. Now I squealed for another reason entirely and drove home to clean myself up. I couldn't help but think to myself:

Considering I'm covered in coffee, I'm pretty damn happy right now.

I started thinking of something clever to text him. 

Wait what was his name again?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2019 ⏰

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