A Hammering Heart

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Linda looked at the small white card she had received from the nice police officer. She debated whether or not to call him as she looked at the flowers she had just received. The flowers were from LaRue, of course, and she knew it probably wasn't a threat. She sighed as she put the small card down. She decided not to call Officer Reagan, maybe tomorrow she would call him, when the flowers or chocolate came.
Linda walked into her bedroom, and started getting herself ready for a nice, long, relaxing bubble bath. She had no idea what was lurking in the shadows while she stripped down.
"Yeah, Yeah." Danny nodded as he searched for the one ingredient his mother wanted in her casserole. She had come down with a nasty cold, her children automatically offering to help with Sunday dinner. Danny searched the shelves for the spice. "What was it again?" He asked into the phone. "What the hell is that?..... okay, I'll come by and pick it up.... I will.... love you, too. Bye." He hung up and rolled his eyes. "She has it at home!" He grumbled, heading for the wine and beer aisle.
Linda wrapped a towel around herself after getting out of her long bubble bath. She bent over, wrapping another towel around her hair. She walked into the main room of her apartment, jumping when she found LaRue sitting on her couch.
"Tom! How the hell did you get in here?"
"I told the person at the desk that I had misplaced my key. They gave me an extra one." He explained simply.
"That's breaking and entering. Not to mention lying." She crossed her arms and shifted her weight to her right foot, her left knee bent.
"Are you gonna call the cops?" He looked at her long, shiny, wet legs, her towel falling at her thigh, creating a slit.
"I might."
LaRue stood up, "you don't want to do that."
"Who's gonna stop me?" Linda challenged.
"Me." LaRue grabbed her arms, kissing her lips passionately.
She tried to wiggle out of his grasp, only to be turned around. "What? Let go of me!" She gasped when cold metal locked around her wrists. She looked behind her, seeing the metal bracelets, "handcuffs?! You handcuffed me?"
"Yes, I did." LaRue walked towards her until she hit the wall.
"I love you." He trailed his fingers over her face.
Linda's eyes went wide with fear, her heart hammering in her chest. She bit her lip and brought her knee up, letting it hit LaRue between the legs. It was a long enough pause for Linda to get a few feet away.
She screamed when LaRue grabbed her arm. He put his hand over her mouth, "I don't want to use force, baby. But I will if you don't keep quiet. Understand?"
"Mm-mm!!" She shook her head vigorously, trying to squirm away.
LaRue shrugged and yanked her hair, bringing her head back, he simply stated, "I warned you, but you left me no choice." He bit her earlobe hard, leaving teeth marks. His hand moved across her smooth abdomen, while he bit down on her neck.
He took a handkerchief out of his pocket, and wrapped it around Linda's mouth. He backed them up to the kitchenette and pulled a knife out of the block. "If you make a sound, I will not hesitate to use this kitchen knife, and I will silence you. Understand?"
Linda closed her eyes, willing the tears to stay in her eyes. She had never been more scared in her life. Oh, why hadn't she called the cops?
"Good.... you're wearing far too many clothes, babe."
The blonde just prayed he would do it quickly, but she knew he wouldn't.

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