The Penitent Thief

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He is known by many names, with many more added over the years, but I usually call him by my favourite....., Dismas. The Catholic church made him a saint, yet he wasn't one of the most popular characters in the bible, I wonder why I find him so........ fascinating.

Maybe it's because the story that revolves around his entire life is a mystery, for someone with such little attention in the bible, he was able to spun such controversies in the world of theology.

Very little is known about the man himself, although he was mentioned in one of the apocryphal books, Arabic gospel of the infancy of the saviour. In this book it was believed that Herod had charged certain people with that task of looking for Jesus as Mary and Joseph fled, so Jesus can be killed. After a while Dismas actually found them, but spared their lives, as a young boy he looked at the baby Jesus and said....... remember me. The exact same words he said on the cross so many years later. Well then again, the apocryphal books were removed from the bible for a reason, so I guess it's best to leave it that way.

Alot of Christians fancy the story a great deal, but they try not to take it to the extreme, else it feels like it gives them a license to sin, I mean who would have thought that a low life thief would be crucified next to the saviour of the world, for those that call it luck I'd say that's the luckiest man in history.

Not Methuselah, the man who lived on this earth for nine hundred and sixty nine years, not Nostradamus, the man who predicted his own death in 1567. Not Hitler, who's mother almost aborted him before he was even born, as a result of an advice from her doctor, or the legend Spartacus who waged war and slaughtered the very hands that put him to slavery.

All these men had their share of luck, but I must say, non of them were as lucky as the penitent thief.

You hear many Christians say they can't wait to get to heaven, to see Paul, Peter, John, and all the other bible stars. I too feel the same way about the bible legends, but what fascinates me above all, that person that I look forward to see, whom I have a million and one questions for due to his absent backstory in the bible, is the man who uttered those words....

Those two lucky words.......

Remember me.....

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2019 ⏰

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