"I got to take a piss"Narigami says while he waits in the car to go to the mall."Just a few more minutes"Yurui's mom said.Few minutes later they got there Yurui's mom drove off and left the Lovebirds there at the mall.Narigami had 69$ that he's been saving up for his first date yes Narigami plans before time.Yurui had 1,602$ that her mom gave her and thats her moms pay check.They enterd the mall holding hands and looking for a bathroom Narigami couldnt hold it eny more he zoomed in the restroom, But which one? He ran to a stall and used the bathroom.When he was finished he walked out of the stall while two girls came in he stopped they looked at him and said"What are you looking at". He felt wierd he said"Nothing"he sounded like a teenaged girl. When he walked out Yurui was standing waiting for him or should I say her.