chapter one

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I was walking. Walking down a dark, tiled corridor. My steps were slow... cautious and I wanted nothing more to kick off at a sprint towards the end, but I couldn't. I wasn't in control of my body. My feet were glued to the floor for a few painful seconds between each step that I took. It was silent. An eerie sort of silence that made you suspect something was going to pounce on you at any second. Behind me, the dark corridor went on for what looked like miles and miles, but ahead of me, right in front of my eyes, I was met with a door. My steps stop unexpectedly, and I'm left staring at this door. It was painted a sheen, plain black, with a silver handle. I reach out. I was so close. My fingertips were millimetres away from brushing the cold metal of the knob, when I awoke with a start.

My breathing steadies as I glance around my surroundings. It was just a dream. It was one of those dreams that wasn't exactly scary enough to be classed as a nightmare, but still gave you a strong feeling of insecurity and discomfort. I swallow hard and feel a great sense of relief to find that I'm safely tucked under my warm, white bedsheets. I throw my head back on the pillow, my chest moving up and down rather quickly. I stare at the ceiling before wiping my glistening forehead on the back of my hand and glancing to the large window, easily big enough to fit a person on its ledge, and see that it's still dark outside. The stars are scattered around the spread of black and flicker occasionally in the moonlight. I sigh, slightly before begrudgingly rolling over onto my side, and loosing consciousness, once again.


The warm summer sunlight hits my face as my bare feet pad along the cool, stone floor of the Hogwarts corridors. I take a deep breath of the fresh, afternoon air as I walk under the large stone archway and into the castle grounds. My hair was tied up into a bun, meaning the sunlight was hitting directly onto my back, making me shiver with satisfaction. Summer was slowly dying down, now, and it left Hogwarts in a perfect state of weather that we never have throughout the school year. I have to admit that it's a shame there's no students here for when the weather gets nicer. It would make the searing heatwaves and swimming in the Black Lake somewhat manageable if I had friends to do it with.

Don't get me wrong, I love staying at Hogwarts, it is my home after all and there's no place that I feel safer, but after last year, I can't help but yearn for the company of someone my own age, and not having to make conversation with ghosts, house-elves and Professors all the time. I can't help but feel lonely. I haven't heard anything from my friends all summer either, which made me feel even more cut off than ever. It hurt me deeply that I've been writing to them every week, but I've had no responses at all, not even a happy birthday last month. I've been feeling a deep sense of sadness in the pit of my stomach, when I think about how they are probably together having fun and writing to each other and leaving me out of it. I would give almost anything for even just one letter from any of them, but they never come. I try not to think about it too much, and just enjoy what I have left of my summer.

After a few hours of relaxing down by the lake with my sketchbook, the blazing sun was becoming too much to stay out in, so I decided to gather my things and head up to my bedroom, until it was cool enough to go back outside again. As I walk through the deserted corridors, the patting of my feet on the stone was the only sound to be heard. When the students were gone, Hogwarts could be so quiet. I try and enjoy the silence and these peaceful moments while they last, as I know when students come pouring into the castle on September the first, I know I won't get another moment like this until the next summer.

I turn a corner on the first floor and press my wand up against the fifth brick from the left of a suit of armour and within five seconds, the bricks melted away and formed a small passage, only accessible to me, and a selected few members of staff, leading to my bedroom. After walking down the passage and pushing open the wooden door of my bedroom, I fling myself onto my neatly made bed and stare at the ceiling for a second. The cool breeze flows through my open window and hits my face. I huff, sitting up and looking at myself in my mirror. I'm wearing a loose, green top, tied up at the front and a pair of light wash denim shorts. I've grown, over the summer. I've gotten taller- not by much, but just enough to make me look older and more mature. I release my jet black hair from its bun and it falls in loose curls around my face. My emerald eyes stare back at me and they trail along the silver scars that I was given last year during the Triwizard Tournament.

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