chapter thirty-nine

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"Ron!" Harry croaks, dashing towards them, followed swiftly by me, "Ginny, are you-"

"Harry," Ron says, giggling uncontrollably, he falls to his knees at Harry's ankles, lurching forwards and grabbing the hem of his robes, gazing up at him with unfocused eyes. "there you are... you look funny, Harry... all messed up."

"Ginny what's happened to him?" I say fearfully, but she shakes her head at me, sliding down the side of the wall, clutching her ankle. Her face was extremely pale I thought she was going to throw up right there.

"I think her ankles broken," Luna says, the only one out of the three who seemed to be unhurt. "Four of them chased us into a room full of planets; it was a really odd place-"

"Harry, we saw Uranus up close!" Ron says, giggling feebly, "Get it, Harry? Uranus - ha ha ha -"

"What happened to him?!" I say, as Ron continued to giggle, hanging off the front of Harry's robes.

"He got hit with something, but I don't know what," She says, sadly, "But it's made him go all funny. I could hardly get him along with us." I nod, breathing heavily.

"Come on," Harry says, firmly, "We've got to get out of here, Luna can you help Ginny?"

"Yes," Luna says, tucking her wand behind her ears for safekeeping, wrapping her arm around Ginny's waist and hoisting her to her feet. I hurry over towards Harry and kneel on the ground next to a completely dazed Ron.

"Come on, Ron," I say, pulling him, with much difficulty, to his feet and pulling his arm around my shoulder. His knees hung so low that he was almost as short as I was, giving me a small advantage. He giggled to himself, dragging his feet along as I took staggering steps, following the others.

"Hey there, Olivia," He says, laughing, "Strange place this is, isn't it?" I ignore him, heaving towards the door that Harry was leading the way to. We had a one in twelve chance of this being the exit. We were only within feet to crossing the threshold when another door burst open from the other side of the room. In entered three Death Eaters, lead by Bellatrix.

Stunning Spells shot all throughout the room. I managed to duck, pushing Ron aggressively through the door and turning around the help Neville heave the still unconscious Hermione through, covering my head with my arms. We all managed to cross the threshold and slam the door, mere seconds before Bellatrix reached it.

"Colloportus!" Harry shouts, hearing the sounds of three bodies slamming into the door from the other side.

"It doesn't matter!" yelled a mans voice, panic rising in my throat, "There are other ways in- WE'VE GOT THEM! THEY'RE HERE!"

I spin around; we were back in the Brain Room and, sure enough, there were doors all around the walls. I could hear loud footsteps in the hall and in the rooms next to us. Without a moment hesitation, I tear across the room, shortly followed by Harry, Neville and Luna, in haste of trying to seal all the doors before the Death Eaters reached them.

"Colloportus!" I yell, each time, sealing the doors firmly. Luna and Neville were bewitching doors on the opposite side to Harry and I, but there was a dreadful cry.

I snap around quick enough to see Luna flying through the air. Five Death Eaters surged into the room through a door she had not yet sealed. She crashed into a desk, sliding over its surface and onto the floor, where she lay, sprawled and as still as Hermione.

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