The Blood Test

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"Jane I think this is the best way to prove your innocence and it will be achieved without the interrogation, which to be honest is quite exhausting and time consuming. If what you say is the truth we'll see it in a matter of minutes and if you're lying.. Well we'll see that shortly after too. "

My anxiety levels were high like never before. My heart beat so fast that I could feel its pulse through my chest. I failed.

" I see. Is this test always accurate? " I asked.

"All of the tests were correct so I believe we will get accurate results. Why do you worry so much? It isn't a painful process."

"No I am okay, don't worry. When will I take the test?"

"I'll arrange it today so you don't get to stay in this awful place for much longer. You'll hopefully be home by tommorow, or even today."

"Okay. Thank you so much for informing me."

"It's my job Mrs Powell. Farewell."

He stood up and walked to the door. He told me to contact the officers in case I needed something and then he left. The moment he closed the door, tears started streaming down my face. I was doomed.

Don't worry. The test is wrong. You were the exception and want to go to court.

That was my plan. Poor and not very reliable, but it was a plan.

I stood still thinking of all the possible scenarios, just sitting in my bed for God knows how long. Until she came in.

"Miss Powell follow me. The test, remember?" said the officer.

"Yeah of course." I said while getting up. I felt a tight knot forming in my stomach.

Walking to the medical room, I felt a similar feeling as before. The feeling that I was walking for a while when the room was just a few meters away.

My lawyer waited for me inside, sitting in a chair. The nurse was preparing what was nessesary for the test.

"Miss Powell sit here. I will take a blood sample and send it to the lab. The results will be up soon, as you are the only one tested today."

I nodded and sat down at a leather chair and put my right hand on the hand stand. The nurse tightened a buckle on my hand. When she found a vein, she took a blood sample through injection.

I was always terrified of needles and sharp objects. They made me feel exceptionally uneasy and stressed,and one of my worst fears was being stabbed. But that is weird because I stabbed my husband, and just the thought of doing that to somebody right now freaks me out. So how did I do that to him, especially in a moment when I was vulnerable?

The nurse put the blood sample in a small container and told a policeman to take it to the lab. My stress was in a such high level that all I felt was calmness. I didn't have the energy to worry.

I was escorted to my room and i immediately laid on my bed. I think I slept right away, but I don't quite remember. I immediately woke up when I heard the door knock. Even though my vision was blurry after sleeping, I recognized that it was Christopher.

"Jane, the results are out."

"So? What do they show?" I asked right away. For a moment, I forgot that they probably were the end of my success.

"I don't know yet. We will find out together." He said, showing me a white envelope.

He sat down, and opened the envelope.

He seemed excited to see what was the result but I already knew. I hope my plan would work, because I have no physical evidence against me, just a test that is new and could be inaccu-

"It's negative. I guess you were saying the truth after all! I knew you wouldn't lie Jane. "

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2019 ⏰

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