The south side

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Narrator:so this part my peeps is about the south side where the serpents are.the serpents are basically a gang all of them have a serpent tattoo and they basically have there worm where they always hang out basically there place the gang leaders are fp Jones,jughead jones,Betty cooper,sweet pea,fangs,tony topaz,Archie Andrews and Cheryl blossom.

(So one day they are all in the worm hanging out and they start to talk about penny)

Narrator:penny was in the serpents but now she is with the ghoulies.

Jughead-so do you guys know about penny?

Fp-yes we all know about penny my boy she used to be part of us and now she is part of the ghoulies.

Archie-then what about the tattoo she has?

Jughead-the serpent tattoo she has is so we won't hurt her and that is what I want to talk about guys

Betty-ok jug go ahead

Jughead-so basically I want to make a plan so that we can take that tattoo off of penny's arm

Sweet pea-how are we gonna do that though?

Jughead-basically we créate some type of trap so we can get her into it and it has to be at night

Fp-ok boy but what place are you going to tell penny to meet you?

Jughead-at sweet water river dad that way I can finally take that tattoo off penny because just because she has that tattoo it dosent mean that she is a serpent

Toni-so jug when we gonna do it?

Jughead-today so Iam gonna need sweet pea fangs and Archie you three are gonna hold penny and Iam also gonna need toni,Betty and Cheryl you three are gonna be for backup

The gang-got it

Jughead-so right now Iam gonna call penny to basically meet me at sweet water river and if she askes why is so that I can give her something got it everyone

The gang-got it

This was part one my peeps stay toons for part two

The south side serpents Where stories live. Discover now