63~Zach Morris

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You and Zach have been best friends since you were kids, along with Jessie but you always felt something for Zach that was different then anything else you've ever felt before. You were afraid to ruin the friendship you had, so you bottled up your feelings for years.

"Hey Zach," you said with a smile sitting down next to him at the max.

"What's up Y/n?" He asked putting his arm around you for a side hug.

"Nothing much, but I got cheerleading practice soon but I wanted to see you before I left."

"Nice, I actually wanted to talk to you about something" he started before being interrupted by Kelly.

"Hey Zach!" She said with a gigantic smile, completely ignoring me

"Hey Kelly!" He said getting up to hug her.

I quickly got up and ran out the door not hearing anyone before I left knowing Zach was wrapped up around Kelly.

She was his, and you had to get used to it. He wasn't yours.

The next day

You were at your locker getting your books when you looked to your left and saw Zach and Kelly laughing walking to Kelly's locker. You didn't want to talk to them so you quickly left, but not before making eye contact with Zach.

Jessie sat down next to you in math class and quickly started talking.

"Do you like Zach?"

You whipped your head so fast you thought you cracked your neck.

"Who told you?"

"Well you're never around Zach and Kelly, and whenever you see them you quickly leave so I kinda pieced it together."

"Fine, I like him but he's in love with Kelly. So much he forgets I'm even there," you sigh sadly looking down

"I think you should tell him how you feel," Jessie says putting a hand on my back.

"And if he hates me? Or if Kelly finds out she'll kill me."

"So? You have known Zach way longer then she has so technically he was yours first."

Part 2?

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