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"An artist, and a working woman. I have to say Miss Hale, you continue to amaze me." Carter and I had spent less time in my studio this week, I was now an employee at the mall. 

"Please, the last few days have been spent re-folding clothes and changing hangers." Department stores definitely weren't my speed, but if it got me closer to picking out my car this weekend, I'd deal with it. "Not glamorous in the least."

"Yes but who doesn't like a go-getter?"

"Someone who doesn't like to go and get?" I could feel the smirk on my lips as I did my best to concentrate.

"You know, if it wasn't my handsome face you were working on, I'd throw this pillow at you." His eyes were daring.

"Oh? And who said you were handsome?" My eyes caught his as I looked up from the canvas. It was twice as hard to be witty when he was looking at me like that.

"Do my eyes not intrigue you Charlotte?" I could tell he was only pulling my leg, but he couldn't be anymore spot on. 

Everything about him left me wondering and wanting to know more. Studying him wasn't enough, I had to be near him, had to know what his smooth skin felt like. I'd spent night after night tossing and turning, simply wondering what my skin would feel like against his, his touch was practically electric. 

Something inside me had suddenly sparked to life upon meeting him. He was mysterious in all the right ways, yet soft and goofy with endless jokes and sly remarks. To think we'd only been friends for a little over a month still surprised me, it honestly felt like I'd known him my entire life.

"Not at all." I realized too much time had passed and I was sure he was calling my bluff. He suddenly stood, coming to squat in front of me so that we were on eye level. "What are you doing, go and sit back down before you-"

"Before I what, distract you further?" His tone was one I'd yet to hear come from him, it was quiet and raspy, laced with obvious undertones that made a pit open up in my stomach.

"What?" I could barely form a coherent thought as he brought his face closer to mine. Everything about him made me want to pull him closer, yet push him as far away as possible before I could fall into those eyes of his.

His deep chuckle sent a spasm of anticipation through every part of me. "So I am distracting you aren't I?" I was sure he knew exactly what he was doing,  his cool breath blowing across my face as he spoke. It would be so easy to bridge the small gap between us. "Wanna know something?" His eyes fell to my lips before they caught mine again.

"What?" I was surprised I could still move my mouth to form words.

"Today's my birthday." His smirk made me falter as I blinked.

"What?" Was I dazed from a spell? How could a person hold someone captivated like that? There was no other explanation. I wasn't even sure if I'd heard him correctly or not.

"You know, that's all you've said these past few minutes? You okay?" He was purposefully toying with me, I could see it in his eyes.

"You're birthday's today? Is it really?" I had no way of knowing if he was being serious or not.

"Indeed it is, July 23rd, 1998."

"Someone's math is obviously a little off." Was he really trying to joke about his age in order to seem older than me? It was such a guy thing to do.  My laugh finally brought me back to the moment at hand, he'd completely had me transfixed. "But if this is true, why aren't we celebrating?"

He stood to his feet while extending his arms in an outward motion. "This is celebration enough. My mom couldn't get out of working a double, I have a video chat with my dad who happens to be in a completely different time zone, so you know...what else can I do?"

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