★ | 060. he already knows, tokyo ghoul

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Book: Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom
Chapter 60: He Already Knows, Tokyo Ghoul
Word Count: 764

Book: Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom Chapter 60: He Already Knows, Tokyo GhoulWord Count: 764

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"Back again I see." [name] smirked as he looked over the counter at the orange haired boy who had been showing up a lot at the cafe lately. "I'm starting to think you have a crush on me."

"Pfft, what? No way." Hide replied, looking down at the counter to hide his blush. Of course he had a crush on the other boy, it was the only reason he kept coming back. If only he had the courage to say something instead of hiding it.

It wasn't like [name] didn't know though. It was pretty obvious. "Mhm. Whatever you say." He poured the boy another cup of coffee. "Well, you might want to cut back on all the coffee your drinking. Your hands are getting a little shaky."

He kept drinking the coffee so he had something to do while he thought of a game plan to ask [name] out. He didn't notice his hands had indeed started to shake. That could be from nerves or from the coffee. "Right, thanks."

"No problem." [name] smiled as he walked away, going to serve another customer.

Hide's eyes followed him the entire time. "He knows you like him." Kenaki said, popping out of no where, making Hide jump in his seat.


"He knows. He's always talking about you, wondering when you're going to ask him out." Kaneki sat down next to him, placing his hand on his chin as he looked at his best friend.

"H-He knows?!" Hide exclaimed loudly, quickly ducking down when people's attention had turned to him. "How does he know? How long has he known? W-Why hasn't he said anything?"

"Well, one, he knows because your really obvious, two, he's known for a couple weeks and three, because he's waiting for you to be comfortable enough to ask him out. He said he doesn't want to freak you out by telling you he likes you."

"I can't believe this." Hide mumbled, looking over at [name] again to see him laughing at something a customer said. "I've been making a complete idiot of myself."

"For the love of... he thinks it's cute and he really likes you, so just go confess your love for him and get it over with." Kaneki gave him a stern look before getting up, leaving Hide by himself.

Hide huffed before clearing his throat, linking his fingers on the counter. This changed everything and now he knew [name] liked him back but for some reason he was still nervous and he sat anxiously as [name] walked by him. Why was this so hard? It shouldn't be this hard.

He stood up and threw the money for his coffee on the table before walking over to the door, turning around to see [name] looking at him with a disappointed smile. Oh, don't you worry, I'll be back. He thought with a smirk and leaving.

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A couple hours later Hide was back in the shop with a bouquet of flowers. He knew [name] liked them and wanted to get him a nice gift before he asked him out. He bit his lip as he walked over to the counter where [name] was filling up some sauce bottles. The shop was nearly empty now with only a few spare people sitting in the back corner.

When [name] saw him, a smile erupted on his face and Hide filled with joy. Just knowing that smile was become he liked him to made him feel like he was on cloud nine. He made his way over quickly, holding out the flowers, "I bought these for you, thought they would look nice in the shop."

"Thank you, they're beautiful." He replied, taking the flowers out of his hand and smelling them, the beautiful scent surrounding him.

"Well, um, actually, I was wondering..." He trailed off, his voice wavering with slight nervousness. [name] was looking at him expectantly, gripping onto the flowers. "There's this movie on tonight, did you, maybe, want to go see it with me?"

[name] nodded his head quickly before leaning over the counter and grabbing onto Hide's jacket pulling him forward and kissing him sweetly and softly. Nothing to explicit for a first kiss where the people in the back corner were definitely watching. When they pulled back, Hide's face was bright red and his lips were slightly more plump. A look that [name] could definitely get used. "I would love to go out with you."

"Cool." Hide replied in a dreamy voice.

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Authors Note: See below!

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