Taiga Kagami x You

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A/n: I apologize since it might be short like Akas—I mean me.


You're a dog person since you find them cute and loyal although some dogs may be loud sometimes. Being Kagami's girlfriend and Seirin's manager, you're always with the team when they have practices or games. And it made you happy to see Nigou whenever Kuroko brought Nigou with him.

BUT of course since your beloved boyfriend can't stand dogs, whenever you're cuddling Nigou in your arms, he can't ever go near you. Another reason for him to hate dogs.

And then one day at a certain time, Kuroko told you about adopting dogs since you told them how much you love dogs, which also made the team wonder why of all people you ended up with Kagami.

Monday, after the team finished their daily after-class practice, you asked Kagami if you can talk to him alone which he agreed.

"Ano, Taiga-chan can I ask you a favor?" With your oh-so cute voice, you asked Kagami.

"What is it Y/n?" He asks.

"Well, you know how much I love dogs, right?" From the way you're using your sweet voice and the topic made Kagami nervous. He had a bad feeling about this.

"Yes, and?"

"Can we please adopt a puppy?" Kagami felt his heart stop beating for a moment as he unconsciously held his breath. But looking at your cute puppy eyes and persuading face, he can't help but sigh.

"But isn't Nigou enough for you?" He asks.

"Nigou's not mine, Taiga-chan! I want my own cute puppy!" You pleaded with a teary eyes and cute voice.

Kagami sighed first before looking at you seriously, "are you torturing me, Y/n?"

"But it's like, killing two birds with one stone! I can have my own puppy and then I'll help you get accustomed to dogs so you won't be afraid of them! What can a little cutie patootie do to a tall Tiger like you?" You pouted. He glared at you but in the end he can't really say no to you.


The next day, you went to the gym with a cute red (your favorite dog breed) and everyone taught that the dog kind of remind them of someone. You smiled so widely while pointing at the puppy.

"Look Taiga-chan! He looks like you! So adorable!" You said while giggling while Kagami is of course in the farthest area from where you're standing with Mirror, your puppy's name.

"That's right! It looks exactly like Bakagami!" Riko-senpai exclaimed.

Mirror has a crimson red fur and scarlet eyes that makes him look like a vampire-dog. But he looks so cute because his eyebrows are a little split like Kagami and you can't help but fangirls about that.

"Yes! Mirror is so adorable!" You agreed.

"Wah! Kagami and Mirror is adorable! Kitakore!" Izuki said as he wrote it in his book of puns.

A/n: If I'm not mistaken Mirror in Japanese is Kagami. Ehehe~

"Woah, Y/n. Did you name your puppy Mirror because he looks like Kagami? Pfft!" Izuki can't help but laugh as well as Mitobe and Koganei.

"Hey Taiga-chan, come on don't be like that! Pet Mirror." You said as you walks towards Kagami with the cute Mirror in your hands.

With a stern look, he reached Mirror's head and pet him. Mirror just lick his hands and snuggle closer to his hands.

"Aww~ He likes you!" You squealed.

"That's great Kagami-kun. Mirror and Nigou can play together. Nigou can be Mirror's shadow." Kuroko said after appearing out of nowhere while holding Nigou close to Kagami.

"Kuroko teme! Get that dog out of my face!" Kagami said as he jump further away from you and Kuroko.


After practice, you and Kagami walk to his apartment with Mirror in your hands. You're giving your full attention to Mirror which makes Kagami jealous and hate the puppy more.

"Tch. I shouldn't have agreed to get a puppy." Kagami whispers while looking at the ground. Since you're just walking side-by-side, you heard what he whispers and looked at him.

"Taiga-chan, are you perhaps upset because I insisted having a puppy even though I know you can't stand it?" You asked him. He looks at you in surprise that you heard him but shakes his head.

"Nah. I can't stand dogs but I guess having Nigou everyday helps a little. I was just.." Kagami blushed when he realized that he's jealous of a puppy.

You thought of what maybe upsets him and then it registered to you that you've been giving your attention more to Nigou and now to Mirror other than your boyfriend, Kagami.

"Are you jealous of Mirror, Taiga-chan?" You asked. He blushed more and looked away, confirming your question.

"You shouldn't be! You know I love you more, Taiga-chan! And I just wanna help you get accustomed to dogs," you put Mirror above Kagami's head and tiptoed to kiss him.

"I love you Taiga-chan."

He smiled and kissed you again, "I love you, too, Y/n."



"By the way Y/n, why did you name him Mirror? That's the English meaning of Kagami!" You giggled.

"I know. He does looks like you Taiga-chan together with your split eyebrows! You two mirrored each other." You said as you laugh at your pun.

"Did you hangout with Izuki-senpai again, Y/n?!"

"Aww, maybe I should change his name to Tiger. Kagami Tiger. BWAHAHAHAHA!"

"That's a lot of nice punny names you got there, Y/n." Izuki said, who appeared outta nowhere.


A/n: *In Sakurai-like voice* SUMIMASEN SUMIMASEN! MY PUNS ARE REALLY LAME TT.TT Anyways~ssu (Kise?) Taiga is the Japanese accent pronunciation for Tiger. So Mirror [Kagami] Tiger [Taiga]. I hope you enjoyed it. REQUESTS ARE NOW OPEN!!!

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