Part 7~Groupchat

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Captain Case~Casey
Cold Sprouts~Cole
Fake Ginger~Kj
Mama Coop~Mädchen
Captain Case: Dudes can we just tell them I wanna be able to post about Sprousehart
Nugget: In a few days Case me and Cold Sprouts have it all planned out
Camsi: Can you tell us what your plan is
Cold Sprouts: hell to the no
Skeeter: Watch your language boi
Cold Sprouts: 🙄
Nugget: It has something to do with Why Don't We and one of there songs
Mama Coop: Now I really want to know
Ginger: Why can't we know your plans
Cold Sprouts: Because we want it to be a surprise
Fake Ginger: Fine but just know Casey is gonna die when he sees your posts
Nugget: Trust me we know

I think I'm in love?~ Sprousehart Where stories live. Discover now