Chapter 14

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"Shall we send Niall school" Harry asked

"No because he'll just get bullied" Louis replied

"I don't know maybe we should call a meeting with Hannah, Simon, Paul and Lou and see what they say to it" I questioned

"When for because we all know Niall will keep on about it until we give him an answer" Zayn replied

"Tomorrow so I'll send a email now" I told them before grabbing my phone

Good evening everyone,

Please can you all come to our house tomorrow for a meeting about sending Niall school, at 8pm


The one direction household

"I've done it for 8pm so Hannah can put Niall to bed if she wants to also Niall's not met Simon or Paul yet" I spoke

"Yeah that's a good idea" Zayn smiled

"I still think we shouldn't send him school" Louis pointed out

"Why Lou" Harry asked

"Like I said earlier he will get bullied" Louis replied getting annoyed

"He needs to make friends Lou also the school can help with his speech" I suggested

"Yeah I'm with Lou" Zayn replied

"I just want what's best for Niall" Harry acknowledged as I hummed in agreement

"And if we send Niall school, he'll get upset everyday then become insecure and then he won't go school" Louis ranted

"Look can we not argue about it as we won't be doing it this school year" Zayn reassured everyone as I looked at my phone.

"All four of them have replied, Simon reply is

Good evening boys,

Yeah I'll be there and I also was thinking about setting a play date

Paul's reply is

Good evening boys

Yeah I'm excited to meet Niall and I agree with Simon a play date is due

Lou's reply is

Heya lads

Yes I'm coming with lots of information and my diary

And Hannah's reply is

Heya boys

Yes I'm defo coming and I'll be tucking Niall in bed" I told the others

"Let's see what tomorrow brings for us then" Louis replied before going upstairs to bed

"I think we should send Niall school" Harry spoke once Louis went bed

"Let's go bed and speak about it tomorrow" I told them before going bed.

Skip to the meeting

"Hi Niall, you ok" Hannah asked Niall as he came into the living room

"Han, Han, I good" Niall smiled as he hugged Hannah

"Do you want me to read you a story later" Hannah asked Niall

"Yes" Niall shouted

"Do you know who these people are Ni" Hannah carefully asked not wanting to make him scared

"Don't member" Niall cutely replied

That's Lou, Paul and that's Simon and they all have kids as well" Hannah explained

"Right Ni, you go and play for a bit" I told him as he nodded before running to the playroom

"So who's going to start" I asked

" I will" Simon replied before adding

"Right so Eric goes to a private school, I had to pay £500 to get him in but so far no one has found out what school he goes too. They are great there especially when Eric needs extra help. He's made friends and has really came out his shell" Simon explained

"Wow okay" Harry spoke as he wrote key points down

"Lou" Louis quizzed

"Well Lux does 2 days at summer set school and 3 days at home doing school, that way she's still meeting friends and getting help from teachers but it's easy for me because when she comes with us on tour they class it as home school and sends her home with Loads of homework so she's not missing out" Lou explained as Harry carried on writing

"Paul what about you" Zayn asked

"My kids only do school in summer holidays but they do homeschooling until they turn 13 then my wife will stay home and kids will go high school so they still get to make friends and I don't miss their milestones" Paul told us

"And Hannah what you think" I asked

"Well going off others views and Niall's needs I think you should go with Lou" Hannah explained as we all nodded

"I agree with Hannah" I spoke

"So do it" Zayn told us

"So do I" Harry smiled

"So do I" Simon agreed

"I think we should decide tomorrow" Louis said before going up to bed

"Han, can you tuck Niall in also everyone come at 1pm tomorrow with your kids we will decide tomorrow" I told everyone as they all nodded.

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