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I jumped back at seeing that monster. How were the tales true?! They were always fake! I looked at her, she looked at me. Deep into my eyes. She seemed to smile so.... I smiled back. I shouldnt attempt to put up a fight with something that has been theorised as a crazed murderer.

Then her eyes slowly drifted away. They closed seemed to begin crying. Did I do something wrong?

"Hey! Dont cry. Nothings here to upset you." I attempted to comfort her. She wiped her tears and hugged onto me. Did something happen to her?

"they... d-dont l-like me..." Evil Leafy finally spoke up, causing me to jump slightly. I didnt know how to respond. I can see why people dont like her though, shes a predicted murderer. "d-do... you like me...?" She looked up to me as I nodded. She hugged me in relief and joy.

"It must be lonely out here, huh?" I asked and she nodded. I rubbed her side in protection and comfort. "I need to go now anyway, I have a friend to see." I said as I began walking away.

"N-No! Dont l-leave!!" She cried and reached out to me as if I were dying or something. The look in her eyes was giving me immense guilt. What was she trying to do?!

"Look, I really need to go. I have a friend to see and he gets impatient easy. I'll be back later." I informed her, latching eye to eye in emotion. I felt a bit like how she felt. Lonely. "See ya-"


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2019 ⏰

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