Ashi is happy about the break up, since she can start from the beginning again, and not push Randeep away from herself. She tells her Mom that he broke up with her, and she becomes shocked. Ashi goes outside, sits in the car, and listens to music to distract herself. She arrives at the location, and puts her outfit on, the make up artist makes her look hot and stylish. Music comes on so that she can get into that vibe.
Photographer: Amazing keep going Ashi.
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She turns around, and smirks at the camera, whilst they are taking shots of her. She sits down on the steps, and looks elsewhere making her look very different. She stands up, and does a little dance, where she jumps and winks. The photoshoot ends, and she decides which ones are the best.
Ashi: I love all of them, will you give me the photos later on to my phone?
Photographer: No problem
She gets changed into causual clothes, and leaves the make up on. Ashi carefully sits in the car, and they leave from there. She tells the driver that she needs to go on sets. Both of them have become very close friends. They arrive, she smiles at him, and he leaves from there. Ashi enters the sets happily giving everyone a shock, they all now know that Ashdeep were in a relationship.
Ayesha: Muhjhe laga Ashu might be crying over this, but for her it feels like nothing has happened.
Kristina: What if she is covering up her feelings?
Ashi twirls around in excitement, the boys come out to see her, but for Randeep it is the opposite reaction, he thought she must be hurt after what he said.
Sanjay: Is Ashi drunk or what?
Raghav: I don't know maybe she is.
Randeep: She's not drunk, I know it very well.
Randeep walks towards her, and shakes her shoulders to get her out of the dream world....
Randeep: Ashi we have broken up, why are you behaving like this?
Ashi: Tumne rishta tora hai, maine nahi tora hai. You should be crying and not me.
She kisses him on the cheek, and smiles crazily at him. Ashi winks at him, and walks backwards only to run from there. She is following her dad's instructions about if one breaks up, the other can bring it back together. She comes out with the same confidence, and energy.
Randeep: Why are you being like this for?
Ashi: Meri marzi hai ki mein kya karoon, ab yeh side tumhe kyun passand nahi hai? You want to see me cry, but I'm not one of those who will give up. Actually mein yeh sab kyun karehe hoon, so that our relationship gets saved, and you keep pushing me away, if that's what you want then so be it.
After they finish the last scene Ashi is sitting away from them all talking to her best friend Nishqa.
Nishqa: Do you want to come to the club today, I want to get hooked with someone, I'm fed up of being single.